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I hope you like this mini update




Speaking of updates, your deviantart was deactivated. If it isn't too much trouble, may I ask why?


<a href="http://fav.me/dd07si5" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/dd07si5</a>


Because I deleted. I'm a Jehovah Witness and I need to behave like a real one that's why


A shame this is never getting finished. Was looking forward to it, actually. Not to mention the Ahri and Aliessa animations... Such a shame. But, do what you gotta do, I guess.


Considering a majority of your work was on there and not here, including most of the Growing Game pics, it seems we'll be limited in what NSFW art of yours we'll be able to enjoy from you from now on.


Giankeshi, do you enjoy drawing the content that is on this patreon and your DA account?


you shouldn't feel guilty for enjoying something, or think of yourself as misbehaving in the eyes of a higher power. You aren't being cruel to others, or harming them by creating art that is sexual. people around you, here and on DA enjoy what you do, and i think alot of people will be missing seeing the stuff you do. i've been following your work since you made a DA and i've been here since. Do what you love and stay true to yourself, otherwise i think you'll be miserable. Anyway i've said what i said because this whole thing has bothered me, i just hope if you really are stopping maybe one day you'll come back to this stuff


Wouldnt you be able to atleast , keep posting on patreon?