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Supernatural 12x18 - "The Memory Remains" FULL REACTION

  • 10 = This episode is a masterpiece 1
  • 8-9 = Great episode with overall great moments, and a little something special 0
  • 6-7 = Good episode with good stuff 4
  • 5 = OK episode, not good but not bad 2
  • 1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped 2
  • 2024-05-15
  • 9 votes
{'title': 'Supernatural 12x18 - "The Memory Remains" FULL REACTION', 'choices': [{'text': '10 = This episode is a masterpiece', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '8-9 = Great episode with overall great moments, and a little something special', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '6-7 = Good episode with good stuff', 'votes': 4}, {'text': '5 = OK episode, not good but not bad', 'votes': 2}, {'text': '1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 5, 15, 16, 3, 26, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 9}


Watch here : https://share.vidyard.com/watch/2k85NkVdeae33GZixWdBnW? (password : Evie27)


What did you think of this episode??


Linda Moore

This isn't a favourite of mine in S12, I'm not crazy about the MOTW, though it does give us a couple good jump scares. I also appreciated that they kept the god in shadow and left a lot to the imagination. I feel like it really loses something when we see too much. **Spoiler for Buffy S2 below** Just in case someone is just watching it now. 😊 The MOTW in this one reminded me a bit of Buffy S2E5 - Reptile Boy. Just because there was a god that this family were sacrificing to, who then made them rich, like the frat bros in that Buffy episode. They were both just okay monsters for me, though they were both very ick. Having said that, I enjoy everything with the boys in this episode, from Dean being so happy to be reunited with the Colt (his little pew pew sound in the beginning is so cute😍) to them carving their initials in the table. 😩 So sweet! Also interesting to see how the BMOL are acting and how shady they are with their hidden microphones. 😒 I agree completely with you that Ketch has a thing for Mary (and yeah, it's understandable) and he definitely treats the boys like unwanted stepchildren. Jackass. 😒 I was so angry he took that picture too! Like, it's one of Dean's favourites, it's one of the ones that helped pull him back from the edge, from killing Sam, at the end of S10. How dare he?! 😡 I think you weren't far off with the girl, I think the writers may have put her in there as a red herring. But yeah, no, just a cute girl who got VERY lucky. 😁 Great reaction as always! 😊


Ohh yes I see what you mean by it reminding you of that Buffy episode!! Only difference is that it wasn't a giant penis monster for SPN lol. Speaking of Buffy, I was following a Buffy fan page and it had a discussion about like relationships between characters accross shows and such and someone said Buffy and Dean would make a great couple and I agree so much!!! they would make the BEST couple I think... I would ship them so much😳