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I like Gus more and more lol




Shoutout to the beautiful ladies at the pool. Jessie was acting scared of the ladies . I've seen him party before but maybe he was worried . Walter crying I'm a Walt fan but he killed a lot of people. So I get the moment with his son . But him getting emotional now seems out of left field.


I don't know when but Skyler is one of my favorite characters on the show She smart and she has guts too. Happy we ending this Ted Saga . People liked Ted and sklyer for some reason. He got his money from her and now he like hit the road Sklyer . Skyler the Mvp of the show right now .


He was emotional in the fly episode as well, when holding the ladder and talking about Jane. He was on sleeping pills at the time and in this episode he's on that painkiller + beer or whatever he mentioned.