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Supernatural 10x10 - "The Hunter Games" FULL REACTION

  • 10 = This episode is a masterpiece 1
  • 8-9 = Great episode, with overall great moments and a little something special 3
  • 6-7 = Good episode with good stuff, enjoyable 1
  • 5 = Average episode, not good but not bad, OK 0
  • 1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped 1
  • 2023-10-28
  • 6 votes
{'title': 'Supernatural 10x10 - "The Hunter Games" FULL REACTION', 'choices': [{'text': '10 = This episode is a masterpiece', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '8-9 = Great episode, with overall great moments and a little something special', 'votes': 3}, {'text': '6-7 = Good episode with good stuff, enjoyable', 'votes': 1}, {'text': '5 = Average episode, not good but not bad, OK', 'votes': 0}, {'text': '1-4 = Nothing extraordinary, could be skipped', 'votes': 1}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 28, 2, 51, 43, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 6}


Watch here : https://vimeo.com/878825402 (password : Evie27)



What did you think of this episode??


Linda Moore

Fabulous reaction - I absolutely adore this episode. Let me just say right off the bat, that I understand you perfectly with Dean and his many...distractions. I mean, of course I do. 😁 He's just...indescribable sometimes. 🥵 Everything in the dungeon with Metatron was stunningly hot, and very, very worrisome. Menacing is a great way to phrase it. He's downright scary when he starts torturing Metatron. But at the same time, Metatron is the absolute worst! I think he'd make anyone flip. Still...poor Dean. When Metatron yells at him, as Cas is pulling him away, that he's just "gonna get worse!", Dean's face absolutely breaks my heart. I need to give him all the hugs. 😞 Just to clarify the lore about Cain, cause we've only heard from Cain once and it was a while ago, so it's easy to get it a bit mixed up. So, Cain made the deal with Lucifer and killed Able. Then (according to the story Crowley told Dean while he was laying on the bed in 9x23) Cain seemed horrified by what the mark was making him do, so he tried to kill himself with the blade and that's when he was turned into a demon. After that, Lucifer got him to create all the other "Knights of Hell", Abaddon and the rest of them. Then he and the knights apparently went around "doing horrible things, for centuries - bringers of chaos." according to Cain. Then he met his wife and she asked him to stop, so he did for a while. After she died, he threw the the blade into the ocean, to try and keep his promise to her not to kill anymore, and then managed not to fight for what seemed to be about 150 years before Dean and Crowley came to see him. So, Cain did live with the mark, and he did become a bit of hermit, pulling away from everything and managing to control the mark for a while. But that was after centuries and centuries of murder as a demon, and also whatever evil things it made him do while he was still a human. So, it is possible, but it seemed to take a LOT of murder and carnage before Cain could live with it. So, basically Dean is gonna have to be ridiculously strong. Of course, we know he is, and he's obviously going to fight with all he's got. But his struggle makes me so sad. That very first scene of him reliving what happened at Randy's - he's so lost and guilty. 😩 I also love Claire here, love that she did think better of her actions at the last minute and try to pull the people back from hurting Dean. She's just so angry, understandably. I was glad to hear her tell Cas she was gonna try and let go of the "little bit of monster" in her. Rowena really does own every scene she's in. Her and Crowley are fabulous together. She's so scheming and manipulative - fabulous. Loved this as always! ❤️

Susan Stork

This episode is okay for me again. Claire just irritates me to no end. I don't like Crowley so I love Rowena manipulating him. She is amazing. I love when she says, " I will not apologize for being a career woman". Love her. Now Dean. I think Dean himself is intimidating/ badass/ sexy. Demon Dean was the same. But Mark of Cain Dean, is another level. Hot and a badass and intimidating. And Evie, twenty minutes?? Really?? Way too short.


What I've never understood is how Crowley was able to retrieve it from the bottom of the ocean. It must have taken some time to search down there for it, and demons can't be touched by salt. Ummmm...the ocean is full of salt. It's like a huge antidemon space!!