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So this is all improv, and initially I was going to snip it into a few audios and say "click this one if you choose this," buuut I decided it would be fine to have it be where you have to do a certain thing depending upon your choice, and maybe you just have to stroke while the things you didn't choose get to do something more fun... or less fun.

I do hope you'll be good boys and follow along (though ultimately it is up to you whether you cum or not).

I am going to do my best to have an audio on Monday for all of you before Christmas, and then I am going to take a few days break from here and Reddit perhaps. PT is kind of kicking my ass, and I'm not getting many hours of sleep (cats don't help much).

My birthday is on the 27th (I'm getting fucking old, hope you still adore me! T_T) and I decided I'm going to stay at a hotel to get some sleep after feeding the kitties, and take myself out to dinner. The next day I'm going to go bowling and to an arcade with my wonderful local friend.

Again, I am SO fucking appreciative of all of you for your support. I don't want to post TOO much text stuff on here, and sadly no one got back to me if you'd like little audio updates or hellos, so I haven't posted them. <3

I am still offering 5-6 min short lil audios for $20 so please shoot me a message on here or Reddit if you're interested.

Gentle hugs! <3




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