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Wallpaper, Status update & poll

  • Yes, release a preview-clip till end of November 206
  • No, wait with the release, till the full movie is finished. 272
  • 2019-11-10
  • —2019-11-17
  • 478 votes
{'title': 'Wallpaper, Status update & poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'Yes, release a preview-clip till end of November', 'votes': 206}, {'text': 'No, wait with the release, till the full movie is finished. ', 'votes': 272}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 17, 12, 47, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 11, 10, 12, 51, 58, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 478}



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Based on these suggestions from you patrons: 

Status update on Corruption 3 

Making great progress, but sadly still behind my schedule. I just received the last audio recordings this morning, which was one week later, than I originally planed. But with six voice actresses in one movie I was probably a little naive about this. 

Also MMJ and I decided to extend the intro a little to add more story, which leads into around 100 more seconds, which want to be animated. And last but not least I want someone external to check my lighting, to see, if there is room for improvement. 

So I probably will need to delay the patreon-release (for 5$+backers) till December. But I don't want to leave you in November without nothing, which brings us to the poll:


I am at a point, where parts of the movie are almost finished, so there could be an option, to release a preview clip of about the first three minutes of sex from the movie. So the question for you is:



Wet our appetite to keep this beautiful and fabled project rolling my friend!


The link is broken, thought you should know


Just my two cents about the poll: those who don't want to be spoiled about the preview can always avoid clicking on the link and/or download the possible preview, while I would find strange that people not wanting to be spoiled (even if they are the majority) prevent other people to have a preview. But that's just my opinion :P And as 666Zarike mentioned above, the link to download the wallpaper seems broken ^^'

Elmer Fudd

I’d say if by preview clip you mean some kind of trailer, then yes. That or another small snippet. Not the full 3 minutes or so you have. If not, I still voted yes and wouldn’t change it since Korothir has a valid point.


In general I say wait. 3 minutes would be a significant chunk of the finished product and your making it to tell a story I presume... I really hope you'll consider do a long (long long) version of The Affair. The way Lara is during that is very hot.


Good point. The only difference would be, that I would arrange the post production/audio/rendering for this preview before the rest of the movie. Which could lead to a little more work, since for example if I change the lighting after the preview, I would need to rerender the preview-scenes too. But the difference in workhours would probably be not too big.

Dave Ort

Interestingly enough the link doesn't work from the email but work fine from the page here. I think if you have spare time while waiting on part of the process, more still image art would be good!

Ichigo Kurosaki

Not worth the extra work to get a preview out. Save that production time for the full release and put out stills instead which won’t push back production


I'm a perfectionist so, I would rather you see it to its end... German blood running throw my vanes :).


I'd say wait until it is completely finished. I'd rather see the full product in one go, and I don't mind waiting another month.

Supreme Overlord Llama

I don't even remember requesting that but.......HELL YEA!!!! Looks great and love the cum running down 8D Also yea, I don't mind waiting all.

pen earthbender

i'll be good with!! I cant wait :P


Glad to see so many looking forward to it ^_^


No preview, this is an insane project. Take your time! We'll wait. Have that lightning checked, quality control is very important. Just keep working on it till its on point.


It also would be a good Christmas present lol!


"But with six voice actresses in one movie I was probably a little naive about this. " *getting Re Sex Virus flashbacks :D* Always keep in mind ,if one VA gets a flew "bum" 2 weeks gone,it can happen (always!) . Just stay on track and dont forget updates. I missed that on Resident Evil Sex Virus and I was working 2 months longer and lost a LOT. I hope it will get the success you want and inspire .


Welcome back bro!


I don’t mind waiting the anticipation will be worth it