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The link to this audio is in the Patreon Master Audio List under General. Brand new patrons will be messaged the password for the list. Here's how to access the list if you don't remember or don't know. Please message me if you need the password again, I don't bite, and you're not bothering me!

Your professor notices how distracted you have seemed in class lately. She's concerned about how your grades have been slipping, so she called you in to talk to her. You let her know that her new post-pregnancy body is what has been hurting your concentration. Well, she would hate for you to fail her class, so she has an idea.



I swear to God these tires are getting more and more specific. No once in a while I would like a title that doesn't give away the plot


Yeah by kind of missed that with stories in general especially with smut now. Maybe I'm just getting older but I feel like titles of stuff have been very straightforward nothing very creative


I used to do creative titles, but no one would listen. Titles are like tags, they draw people in.


May I please have the password to the masterlist?