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The link to this audio is in the Patreon Master Audio List under General. Brand new patrons will be messaged the password for the list. Here's how to access the list if you don't remember or don't know. Please message me if you need the password again, I don't bite, and you're not bothering me!

Your ex shows up at your house unannounced, and says that she's sorry for how things ended, and she wants to give you a special gift as an apology.



I take this offer for sure. 😋😋. Thank you. ❤️.


Resist?? No way..only ppl with no 🧠. 😆😆. Btw.. you voice is 🫠🫠... me.


Awww you are too sweet!! Uh oh, if you melt into a puddle, they might get worried about you at work!