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I'm terrified of elevators, but I work on the 20th floor of this building, so I don't really have a choice; I need to take the elevator. Just my luck, the elevator got stuck. I'm claustrophobic and hyperventilating, and when I press the emergency call button, it puts me in contact with you. You have a very unique way of distracting me from thinking about being trapped. Afterwards, I get a reward for being a good girl.



The speaker and I share the same fear so a good bang would ease my mind as well 😭


While I'm not super claustrophobic, elevators scared me a lot for a long time, because I was always scared of getting stuck or having the elevator fall to the bottom!


Very nice!! I enjoyed the happy ending where a fear was transformed into a fantasy fulfilled.


Aw thanks, Lambert!! Yep, it's a very happy ending, and hopefully a positive memory that will be tied to elevators from that point on, so she will get over her fear.


Exactly I was always scared being stuck on a super high level and then crashing down! Oh and I forgot to say but nice audio I love it you’re always doing a great job!


Luckily, I haven't thought of that happening in a long time when going in an elevator, and hopefully it hardly ever happens! Aw thank you so much!! You are so sweet!


Yay!!! Amazing audio Sing!!!