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This was a collab with my Script Demon!

Listen to part 1 

Listen to part 2 

You're still blackmailing me, and of course I have to go along with it. On the plus side, my subscriber base on Only Fans has shot through the roof! And I guess this journey has been pretty interesting. Tonight you have a special event planned... The Glory Hole Challenge. I will be filmed taking every cock that comes through one of several holes, and I will take those dicks in all my holes until I am leaking cum out of each hole and have cum dripping off most  of my body. 

Part 4 is now available 



This audio is for anyone who thinks you lost your royal edge Empress 😄 Wow you cummed to please in every great way with this audio Sing. I really love how you was talking in 3rd person narrating how she was getting fucked, cummed on and trying to help everyone have a good time. The crazy thing about this is i bet it has happened in real life with some women. Although i doubt many of those only fans girls would go this route. Nevertheless, it's so great to hear you. It feels like it's been a while haha. Hope everything is well and i wish you the best day ahead my fav💖👑


Aw thank you so much, Georgio!! Haha yeah, I still have my edge for sure. I've been sitting on this one for months, because I was trying to think of the best way to perform it, so that I could explain everything my character was seeing while still carrying on with the action. There's so much going on simultaneously. Part 4 is even more intense, and I found the perfect solution for that simultaneous action, which wasn't going to work for this one. So I actually started on Part 4 before Part 3! I'm really glad you enjoyed the final solution/outcome!! I wouldn't be shocked if some people have gone through tremendous lengths to get popular on OF. I know there are people on there who do illegal sex acts (like very public sexual acts). In case you haven't heard the first two parts, she's being forced to do this by "Master" who is actually her student. He's blackmailing her by telling her that if she doesn't, he'll tell everyone she's on OF and she'll lose her job (she has tattoos from the University, which you can see in some of her videos). Yeah, I haven't posted on Reddit in a few days, which I think is why! I have been busy, but I will post today! Aw thank you! I hope you have a wonderful day too!!


Wow thanks so much for sharing those extensive behind the scenes details of this amazing audio. That's so cool yet intriguing that you recorded Part 4 before Part 3. It does make sense to do the easier to understand parts first. I usually edit most of my videos before i recorded my voiceovers to them. It's much easier that way. Sometimes tho, i don't feel like posting anything so i been on a small break too. It's good for you 😊👍🏽 Anyways, glad we get talk again


I really do love talking about behind the scenes stuff, so I can't wait until I have time to do more commentaries (haha whenever that will be). I only have some of Part 4 done. I still have a lot of recording to do for it; it's a bigger project than Part 3, but yeah, when I got Part 4, I immediately thought of how I wanted to do it, and I got started right away. I was even thinking about going straight to Part 4 and skipping over Part 3, but Part 3 is really good and needed, so I had to finally just go for it and solve the issue. That makes total sense that you would edit and then do the voiceovers, since you watch your edit and talk at the same time! Yep, breaks are good and prevent burnout! Yep, always nice to talk to you Georgio!


WOW!! That was really fucking HOT!!! The commentary of what she is thinking along with the SFX really made for a very immersive experience. That was actually my favorite in the series thus far!


Aww thank you so much, Shad!! Yay, I am so happy to hear that. I sat on it for so long since I didn't know how I should get all the info across. I wanted you guys to see and experience everything I did, and I am so excited the narration worked so well! Yay, I am glad! Part 4 may be even better!