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The link for this audio is available on the Patreon Master Audio List (newcomers can find a link to the list in their Welcome email. If you don't have a link to the Patreon Master Audio List, please let me know; I am friendly, I promise!). I am making a new post since the other one is still hidden.

This works as a standalone. It comes after Your Wife's New Job, but before Your Wife's New Secret (which is on Gumroad).

We both are really into the hotwife idea now, and this is my first time seeing a bull without you being present. I call you on the phone for support, and you get to listen to all of our fun, plus you encourage me to do other naughty things!



I don't know what it is about this audio, but there's something about your performance that makes it especially hot. I will keep playing this one over and over...