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I'm trying to make a 60's style hat, but to serve as a hat it looks like the image on the right and doesn't look like the hats used in the 60's. The one in the first image is just on the top of the hair, which makes some conflict with the hair. One solution is for me to do a hairstyle with the hat and have this option separately. What do you think finds the best solution?

Please leave your opinion in the comments

Thanks :)



Blushing Creep

I think giving multiple options would be great. Maybe the best option would be to create one hair without the hat, but make the hat an accessory with two swatches: one on top of the hair, and one on the head. And, make a hair with the hat included in the position you like best. I personally like both styles, but agree that the one on the left is truer to historical fashion.


The Pill Box Hat is no easy feat. Royal CC has one done at : https://melonsloth.tumblr.com/post/616283572083507200 - But theirs doesn't look like Jackie O's either. I would just advise people to use the hat slider, so it can be set where they want it.