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New hair for your Sims, I hope you like!

I would like to thank my patrons who helped me with their feedback to get to this hair 💕

Available in default textures, from teen to elder, 24 colors (work with genetics).

The headband was intended for use in combination only with this hair.

The headband is available in the hats category, with 30 options.

Available for the base game.

Please leave a comment.




I wonder why your new cc doesn't show up on my main page. You have more recent stuff than the others, but I see theirs and not yours until I get a notification. You are amazing, by the way!!!

dman79 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 21:06:45 Now, when I start up Patreon, I see your new Wedding Veil right at the very top!! <3
2022-02-27 08:18:15 Now, when I start up Patreon, I see your new Wedding Veil right at the very top!! <3

Now, when I start up Patreon, I see your new Wedding Veil right at the very top!! <3

kiarazurk (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-13 21:06:45 Finally! Thanks for letting me know &lt;3
2022-02-27 09:48:56 Finally! Thanks for letting me know <3

Finally! Thanks for letting me know <3