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I have converted many hairs that I do for adults to children and toddlers, but I still have many that I haven't converted, I ask if there is any hair that I have done for adults that you would like me to convert to children or toddlers. 

Please write in the comments what hair you want me to convert to a child or toddler.

Thanks :)



Would like to see a conversion of the carmen h air for children. :3


I don't know the name of this one, or if I've missed an update for it, but I love this hair so much for kids. https://i.gyazo.com/549f8d368553e36c5c429917f90ba856.png


Okay, also I'm sorry because I somehow misunderstood the question. *facepalm*

Samantha Sicari

Your Gustaf for toddlers, please. Thank you!!


chloe hair and jeanne for children and tods would be lovely!


the ballet bun updated, medium get curly conversion or glamour wavy conversions for all ages would be nice if not I understand

Jennifer Harden

Avan Jogia for toddlers, Geralt for boys and toddlers pls

Samantha Sicari

If you can, I'd love short wet for boys, wavy loose for boys and french braid over shoulder for girls converted to toddler, too. Thank you!!