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Seongmin really boggles my mind, I don’t hate him or anything but he’s so frustrating at times. Why does Hwi always have to be the one to start the conversation and ask him to validate his feelings. If Hwi didn’t ask him first, Seongmin was really going to let him guess about his feelings and that’s so frustrating. It’s also funny that they keep mentioning how young Hwi is when Seungjin , Hwi and Minseon (the maknaes) are all more emotionally mature then the older ones. Also does no one remember that Jaesung and Seongmin went on a mini date and they had little to no chemistry. They don’t even have similar hobbies, Seongmin is super artsy and loves going to museums and Jaesung hates that and likes physical activities… like make that make sense. I just hope they both leave Hwi alone for the rest of the time, if any of them come sniffing around Hwi again I’ll be pissed. Sorry that’s my rant ~