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Bill Sanderson

Deep breath. Episodes 1-7 😵💞👨‍🏫💚🏍🌈💘🪁🦤💆🏻‍♂️ Episode 8 💣💥🤯😡💔😭😭🔫🏥😭😭 In addition to all the drama that came about in episode 8, which we all really needed to advance this story, I'm kinda blue that we are coming to the last two episodes. Sigh. Good stories always leave you wanting more. Also, Aye Sarunchana, the woman who played Torfun sang the ATOTS theme song in the end credits. Her MV premiered recently: https://youtu.be/KEYwYja1Ndg

Henry Denner

I just watched this episode and I was a MESS. I am now gonna watch your reaction to it.

Henry Denner

Just completed the reaction. The one thing that bothered me regarding Phupha's reaction, was that, yes, Tian didn't tell the villagers that Torfun has passed away.....but neither did Phupha. And then he went and treated Tian like that in front of the villagers. I LOVED Khama's analogy with the caterpillars. I feel like that about some very important people in my life.

Bill Sanderson

Phupha's behavior was pretty horrible. In the production of Quaranthings one character, Judah, used the quote: "Hurt people, hurt people." I had hoped from last week's teaser that Phupha would step up and own his part in why the village didn't know of Torfun's passing. Tian was a train wreck in presentation of the news as well however Phupha made things much worse. The villagers understandably shunned Tian based on what they were told. Khama could not have counseled Longtae more beautifully. Khama wisely knew there was more to the story and could see the pain in Tian's face.

Henry Denner

Hi Bill. I remember that comment by Judah. Quaranthings was a rather okay series to be honest. Phupha was going on about how the people were disappointed in Tian and that he should leave. When I initially watched it on YT my thought was that it was in fact Phupha who was the disappointment there. (I think Jeevan also said that in his reaction). This series has turned out to really touch the emotions. Much more than what I had anticipated.

Henry Denner

I laughed at someone accurately commenting on YT today that Tian would definitely be in Gryffindor. Because he is brave but has a nearly stupid disregard for risk. 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅