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Funny thing is I watched this movie earlier today, before seeing you upload a reaction to it haha <3


YEs, the baby statement was just them speaking generally about not having kids. Yes, they were never in a relationship but very close, however as Jia-han realizes his feelings so does Birdy but Birdy comes to a decision to ignore these feelings as you can see at 53:48 he knows Jia-han is listening to Banban and him so he proceeds to ask Banban exactly the question he asked Jia-han early in the movie, he gets a girlfriend, also he tells Jia-han ”you can’t always hang out with me alone”. There are things that he does to create a distance between him and Jia-han if you watch closely As this movie gets confusing cause it does follow a chronological time patterns cause Jia-Han and the pastor moments of speaking happens actually happen quite late at the end.