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it's hard to understand jiang cheng unless you're chinese. or a little brother lol. But he has a lot of lives riding on his decisions, remember that. And he says things he doesn't mean when he's angry. Not that it's an excuse, just a reason.


oh and the fight was so his defection would make sense lol


also also they are actually wearing different outfits the changes are just pretty subtle


annnnd regarding jin zixuan, he never disliked shijie, he hated that he was forced into an engagement with someone he didn't know. once he got to know her without that over his head, he realized how good she was. AS SHOULD WE ALL.


and he's so bad at showing his feelings..like that time he ran away hahaha


Hey, I’m not gonna say he doesn’t deserve it LOL


I think it’s at least in part a desire to be as little like his dad as possible.