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Wietse van Dijk

Well you now know what a bitch Plern Pleng is. But this is just the beginning. She only loves herself and her likes on Facebook, anyone else she only uses them. But don't worry, she'll eventually will get what she deserves. Although she was the one that planned the beat up of Korn (and Knock), she isn't the one that will hurt Korn the most. As for the homophobia in this series, you must not forget that this show aired in 2017, so obviously there was back then more homophobia than nowerdays. But homophobia will never disappear completely. Even in my country what the first country in the world was that legalized gay marriage, and where being gay is quite accepted in our society and where there are laws against homophobia and you get arrested for it, you still find homophobia and hate crime. It will never disappear completely.

Reinhard Schuerer

I find it important that they also show homophobia in BLs as this is still the reality we have to live with. There are so many BLs out there where everybody seems to be gay and you never see any bad reactions at all. People should know what we still have to deal with.

Suzanne Austen

I don't think the sister is homophobic, she just knows what the society is like and how people will treat him and his family