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Daniel Francis

SO I just realized something. Pat has feelings for Pran, but isn't sure if Pran has feelings for him. He asks that question about Ink at the end, because he's trying to gauge if Pran likes him. Pran, and most people on first watching it take it as him as just being insensitive. But how is Pat supposed to know if Pran never says anything? And how is Pat supposed to know if Pran doesn't say anything?

Bill Sanderson

This episode seemed like the longest tease. The EP4 teaser of course was very effective in eluding to a possible P&P "I like you" confession only to add Ink to the equation. To me Ink seems like a match maker of sorts after the bracelets were finally given to the both of them. 🧐 Pat is being played as the dumb (hot over confident) jock here and a bit slow on the uptake. But his apparent concern for Pran is like actions speak louder than words sort of thing. In fact, I wonder if the guy gangs they each hang with are starting to pick up on a vibe between them. So, now we're getting to the middle of the series and while it is well acted and written (even with all the flashbacks) I'm getting restless for progress between P&P. Ohm and Nanon have such connection that the characters they're playing haven't caught up to them yet.


It's supposed to be 12 episodes, so we're 1/3 of the way through!


Is it just me or is Ohm getting better looking as he gets older?

Bill Sanderson

Oh.. thanks for pointing that out. I was thinking we were only getting 10 episodes.