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18 December, 2022 - JRGL8251


Cédric Bardoux

It is amazing to follow several reactors. With the same series, the excat same scene, I could feels totally different emotions. During the anger of Team about the homophobic comment against Dean and Pharm, a lot of reactors side more with Team while fewer side wih Win. You were on the Win side, amongst the few like myself. I totally get the anger against the shitty homophobic talk but fighting with fist is utterly stupid. It will worsen the probem in truth. The series is really good but we loose too many moment with side story (like ABC and Prince, even if the talk between Prince and Tum, the manager, was so meaningful). I personnally fall in love with Waan and Tul, Manaow and Phruek are almost inexistant, that's sad. The only real issue so far is the storyline WinTeam seems kinda dull, 2 steps forward 1 step back... I'd just hoped for a better course.