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23 February, 2023 - YCUT4864


Duy Nguyễn

It's seems like Jim has some problems with his family, maybe he was kicked out or fight with them because he's gay, that's why Jim doesnt want Ming be like him. Like in "Lovely writter", the father doesnt want his son have to suffer like him. But yes, Jim shouldnt say that, it's quite unacceptable. I dont know how the series can improve the relationship between Jim and Ming now. Jim is really bad at expressing his feeling to Li Ming, and he missed lots of chances to do so.


The episode reminded me... in 2013, a Pattaya - Koh Larn Ferry capsized and 7 people died. I remember reading about it in the news. I've learnt from enough BL shows to not pay attention to the next episode previews. Jim is telling his nephew that his life might be harder because he's gay... just in a way that seems homophobic but is just Jim's harsh way of talking to his nephew when he is worried about him. Personally, I've never understand monogamy. I would never say to someone I love that they cannot love another person. It just seems like a constraint. If they like someone else, then they should have the freedom to explore those feelings. If it turns out they prefer that person, then they will be happier. As long as theirs honesty, being in two relationships is also perfectly fine with me. Although, I know jealousy might make that difficult. Obviously, what he did to Jim and that woman was terrible because it destroyed their trust.


Some deaf people do not talk because they are unsure of how to regulate their sound and words. And in Heart’s case he hasn’t been able to hear for 3years meaning he hasn’t spoken in that amount of time as well. Which has impacted his vocabulary as well. So if he was to speak a whole sentence it wouldn’t come out clear or sound like normal speaking. His mother also didn’t help by keeping him locked away in the house for so long without any real human interactions.