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21 February, 2023 - teow1



This series reminds me of my friend. He was exactly like Ritsu. We went to a party and the girl he had been dating found him talking to another girl. I even warned him when I saw him talking with her but he wouldn't listen. It ended in tears. Afterwards, he just couldn't be alone. I had to stay with him all night. People who are lonely and have a constant need for companionship but who's ego and sexual proclivity are addicted to compliments and flattery are incapable of stable relationships. Masumi chose to deny what his friends already knew, and Ritsu might have thought he didn't want to know. I have a feeling people will blame Ritsu but I blame the world's romantic idealism.


I always take the side of the outcast. From Ritsu's perspective, Masumi never really tried to understand him. I do think Ritsu thought Masumi knew about him seeing other people and respected that he didn't want to talk about it.