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Hell hello hello! 

This year, I'm going to try my hand at an annual review.

First of all, I'd like to thank you all very much for your support and enthusiasm for my work. I'd also like to take this opportunity to look back over the year and, more generally, my years as an artist on Patreon.

To put this in perspective, I started out in ponographic art in 2016, at the time on Tumblr. Then, thanks to my small success on the net, I launched my Patreon in 2019. Finally, in 2021, following my resignation from my job as a graphic designer, I'm trying to make a full-time living out of it.

I've seen the number of my contributors increase little by little over the years. I'd managed to reach a number that allowed me to get by without need. It was an income, admittedly a very modest one, especially once you take out all the taxes levied by the various French platforms and authorities. But at the end of the day, I was happy to make a living from my art. It was a small miracle in my eyes.

Unfortunately, I had to take a break from my comic production in  February 2023. At that time, I completely lacked inspiration and  motivation for it. I needed to take a step back, catch my breath, and  return with the desire to create again. After a few months, I seriously  resumed comic production in August.

Unfortunately, I saw a significant drop in support since my break in  February. I don't blame anyone; comics were a crucial part of my work,  arguably the most interesting part. I can understand that when one no  longer delivers what was promised, people may be tempted to leave. And  even though I tried to compensate with more illustrations, it wasn't the  same. Another issue during this decline was the discovery that my  Patreon content was systematically leaked on other sites, sometimes on  the same day.

I won't hide that this has dealt a serious blow to my morale and considerably narrowed my future prospects. It has become very challenging for me to solely rely on Patreon income. The commissions I undertake help a bit, but it's still not enough. This year, 2024, will be quite decisive for my professional projects.

I will continue to produce on Patreon because it's what I love to do and what I want to do. I want to be able to continue as an artist and be proud to say so. However, I will have to find new sources of supplementary income. I will do my best to ensure that it does not impact the rhythm and quantity of Patreon content. But if it were to happen, you would be the first to know.

To try to prevent the disclosure of my content, I will have to change my method of publication on Patreon. I will likely follow the methods of some of my colleagues who have also been affected by this. I will keep you informed about this.

I take this opportunity to thank you all again. Thank you for being present and supporting me, through your contributions, likes, and comments. I am naturally discreet, but believe me, I read each of your comments, and they all bring me great joy. Thank you, thank you, thank you !

I'm not used to writing long texts; I hope it hasn't been overwhelming. Thanks to those who took the time to read it ^^' !





Good luck on the Year ahead! Very excited for what you'll bring us!

Finn Dixon

Thanks for the update...you are by far the most prolific artist I support on Patreon!

Patrick Sullivan

I’m sorry to read about your problem with leaks. That really sucks. I know many other creators have had similar issues. Question: any chance of a second part to you amazing Santa Close story from a couple years ago? I’d love to see another go round between Santa and his favorite pretty elf lad. I’d really enjoy it to see them in bed together, really settling in for some slow, sweet lovemaking. It’s probably my favorite creation of yours and I’ve always been hoping for a part 2….


Thank you for your kind message. To answer your question about my Santa Close comic strip, no, there are no immediate plans for a sequel. But I am pleasantly surprised to have been asked for a sequel to this comic :)