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I kinda pulled this one outta my butt, however I did plan on this one since the beginning of November. What fun would it be going all winter without any snowman postings. If this looks a little funky, I used my old laptop for the whole development of this thing. The screen is dim on one side and has been for years, so the lighting is a bit off. That and this was done on Paint Sai, not Clip. Comparing the two, Sai is still good but obviously more limiting.

More updates on Episode 2, just genuinely excited about how much progress is being made. Act 2, which is the one chunk that I've been sitting on most of this time, is almost complete. The beginning portion should be all finished by next week, and all that'd be left is the big scene (if you catch my drift). I even added some cameos, especially the peeps who've been supporting me on here for quite some time now. Don't ever say I don't care :)

Depending if I have time for it, I'll either make a whole new post for next Monday, or just upload a good chunk of Act 2 that has been done so far. We shall see. But things have been getting good, I'll say that much!



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