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This one felt cathartic to do.

For multiple reasons.

This was the second full animation I did with the new shading and coloring look. Really got to experiment with the palette while sampling from the models, bouncing back and forth until I got a good shade on everyone. There was gonna be more stuff in the background, especially another pair in the doorway to the right, but decided last minute not to as it would've detracted from the spectacle up front.

I had a nasty itch just to make big piss-off aliens for a piece, which I can't recall the last time I did one like that.  In the last few years I've been seeing Elites getting a lot of stuff made about them, especially being made so huge by default. It was just up my ally and I never had an excuse to until now.

And also, this was just kind of me venting past frustrations with me and the series. Don't get me wrong, I've had fun with Halo 3 and ODST. Met most of my old online friends on there when I needed some. But I think a little differently about 343's games differently from others. Halo CEA would've been my favorite out of the series if it wasn't for my fond memories of 3 and ODST. Halo 4 was cozy, and Halo 5 was just Meh.

But I've been seeing lots of videos going back a few years just ripping into anything and everything 343 ever made, praising Bungie like everything was a banger. I guess the one thing Bungie couldn't pull off was keeping the hot chick alive in the campaign to do stuff like this (Spoilers for a 13-year-old game my oopsie 0w0).

But hey, I had fun making this GIF. That's all I do now, and that's all that matters is just making animations for the people. I got Sims 4 anyway, tons of Mods and Creativity. That where it be now!

Public post resized to 1000x800 (2MB) This is the original at 2000x1600 (9MB)



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