Mamma Ryuuko Matoi High Resolution GIF Loop (Patreon)
This was the GIF I was talking about with the new animation trick. It's mostly in the pacing. One of me chums, BlackWhiplash, has this animation of Android 17 doing the same movement and motion. She said it only took 8 frames at 12 fps. I know she wouldn't lie to me, but it felt way too simple of an answer, I needed to see it and try it myself.
Originally I drew the Start Point, Mid-Point, and End Point for these types of animations and they'd be Frame 1, Frame 4, and Frame 7 out of the 8. Frame 4 would be where the high point of the motion would be and Frame 7 would be the impact. All she did...
She had the High Point pose on FRAME 3.
That's it.
When this whole thing was finished and rendered, I called her an ass hole and gave her a hug. This whole time I could've been doing this and not being overly complicated with the 16 frame loops I did for the last year or two. It just shows as much talent people say I got, brains for clever quick tactics I do not.
Public post is resized to 1000x800. This is the original at 2000x1600.