High Resolution Alien Meggy (OmegaBrawl) Animated GIF (Patreon)
2023-10-25 00:14:51
This one was very last minute.
The context behind this one was that OmegaBrawl personally asked me what monster his OC Meggy should be for October. He has this alien species he made up, which is what the one on the right (Jenise) is. And I told him to do that. If he did, I'd promote it and make stuff for it.
Surprisingly he did. And super quick too. There was another GIF that was gonna go up, but long story for that one once I put it up here. There are two variants for this, the naked one being the original. A bikini was put over Meggy since he's pretty nitpicky about what he retweets and whatnot.
Public post was resized to 1100x880. These are the originals at 2000x1600. Naked edition exclusively for here.