Young Again - Season 2 / Chapter 3 - Public Release (Patreon)
Here you have the public version of chapter 3. This release doesn't bring anything new if you've already played the early version of it, changes are minor things like some image or typo corrections. Luckily, the early release didn't have any serious bug.
Things to keep in mind before playing this new release:
1 : This chapter introduces a new girl and this girl has now bonus images in the "Bonus Gallery". It's recommended to play chapter 3 before watching the bonus gallery, so as not to be spoiled about the new girl.
2 : Speaking about the Bonus Gallery, you shouldn't have to enter the password again, but in case the game asks for it, it's the same as in the previous version. : L0ve_This_G@me
s02c03 Changelog :
- 540 New images (Yeah, big chapter!)
- 5 New erotic scenes in the Gallery
- 15 New lewd animations
- New backgroud music
- New girl in the Bonus Gallery , 5 new images