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"because it's you". I had the same frantic reaction lol

Muhd Irvan

Shanks just sus


Shanks is such an interesting character. You really can not tell whether hes a good guy or a bad guy. We met this guy in like the first five episodes and we still have no idea who he really is and have no idea what his true intentions are. There are a million theories out there about him being a villain/using Luffy. I'm telling you people lost their shit when this happened in the manga 😂

Tein Foong Wong

Extra info. The 2 vice admirals talking to garp (chaton and momosagi) were considered for the role of admirals before they chose fujitora and ryukogyu. They were also designed and named the same way as all 5 past and present admirals. From this we can assume those 2 are the strongest vice admirals besides garp