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Kevin T

First. He he he.


What an episode <3 Can't wait for future episodes for you to react on!


Such cool episode

John Paul

11 more episodes to go, let's get it.

Orange cookies

I guess it safe to assume that kinemon shouldn’t have been worried about doffy in a fight lol. Kinemon is probably stronger than Sanji with raid suit

Cindy Baker

Sensational. Sakuga in this episode delivered.

Nghi Nguyen

Kinemon was introduced to use “Firefox style” in Punk Hazard, which can cut any flames. It sounded lame at first, but works quite well now against Kaido’s blast breath.


This was a fire episode

Orange cookies

If you wanna Ignore the feats, idgaf stay delusional . Advanced haki>basic armament haki. Sanji couldn’t even injure page 1 or drake lol. Sanji couldn’t even stop Judges sword with his haki without it still hurting him lmao. Also stop crying. I specifically only said this version of Sanji.

Hebi Miau

Honestly kinda true, people underestimate akazaya 9, besides using that advanced haki they are doing even more than Luffy previous to being in Udon prison, his attacks did nothing to Kaido, just cause it's a "dumb" character that was presented talking through... his lower body does not mean he is weak. Sanji would probably win tho, because of his mobility, but Kin is "stronger" in a certain way

Arvin Cary Fadero

Now we all see how strong Kinemon really is, by this strength, I am assuming he can defeat Doflamingo if ever they fight, and by the way, for just reference for the animation on Tougen Totsuka, most japanese anime and videogames depict a very strong Ultimate attack or technique by doing some black out and writing of Japanese letters, for instance, Street Fighter Akuma's Raging Demon technique, Rurouni Kenshin's Amakakeru Ryu no Hirameki, and others...

Logan Carolus

No I don't really care about the sanji comment I'm a proud Zoro fan but the thing about kin not worrying about doffy got me tripping

Logan Carolus

Then my assumption according to your assumption is that kin is winning over gear 4th luffy