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AN: First chapter of book 15! The penultimate book!


[Princess] - no matter how much the Eventide Eclipse joked about making her a [Queen] - Skye had a raging headache.

Three heavily annotated proposals lay in front of her, and no matter how much she’d delayed, waited, and stalled, there was no fourth proposal forthcoming. No matter how much she talked to the walls or sent out messages, there were no fanged smiles surprising her in the night, no better offer made.

If there was a secret society of vampires surviving the Immortal War, they hadn’t seen fit to contact Orthus. The decision was Skye’s and Skye’s alone, but she was not without support. Varuna was here in her hour of need, and she stroked his jaw as she debated with herself.

The first proposal was from the New Remus Empire. It would make Orthus Town an official tributary, required to pay modest taxes. However, they didn’t get anything for those taxes. There was barely a promise of protection against the demons and other powers, but that was it. There would be no [Engineers] moving through to build a network of roads, connecting them to other tributaries. There would be no new libraries erected, no civil servants arriving to smooth the livelihoods of all the members. Just taxes demanded, to be poured into the elves’ hungry maw.

The term was relatively short. Only 64 years before it could be ‘renegotiated’, and Skye knew that meant an increase in taxes - assuming the New Remus Empire won the war against the demons.

What had her sweating - a near impossibility for a yuki-onna - was the penalty for failure to pay. They’d personally execute her, which would be a shame, and let Skye feel the sharp edge of the knife against her throat. More grimly, they’d octanate the population. One in eight members of Orthus Town - and, they were clear, the surrounding villages - would be chosen for execution. The remaining members of the family would be forced to beat them to death with their own hands. 

Bad enough, but Skye hadn’t been trained just to look at offers as they were. There was a deeper level to it. Who determined how much was owed? How did they collect? It was easy to construct a system where failure wasn’t just possible, it was the only outcome. Easy to point to failure to pay taxes as an excuse, execute her, and install their own puppet leader.

It was only the elven curse which gave her a small modicum of relief. Who would want to rule this place, far away from all the other elves? Their plans were clear - repeat the process in every place in the world, for effective world domination - and it seemed unlikely that they’d want to off a good percentage of their population and leaders just to rule a questionable location.

By the same token and logic, Orthus couldn’t become too prosperous and stable. Then it would be something of an icicle on an elf’s necklace to ‘own’ Orthus. Skye would need to thread the needle carefully. Good enough to avoid the tax penalty and keep the quality of life high for her citizens, poor enough to stay unnoticed by the powers that be. The most average city, maybe with some poor smells.

Skye had a new map pinned to the proposal. The tanners would be upwind of everyone.

The demons didn’t exactly have a better offer. Higher taxes, but more presence and protection. Demons would settle in the area to live, and the rest of the treaty didn’t make that a good thing. They would be, by law, stratified into a higher tier of citizen. Justice wouldn’t apply to them in the same way, and the number of rights and privileges they’d enjoy was staggering. It was like someone had looked at the worst behavior and rights of nobles in books, and decided ‘you know what, that’s a great idea.’

They’d tried to sweeten the deal by offering Skye and other high level Classers the same tier of privileges, a blatant bribe to let them take over. They’d also assume the leadership of Orthus, but along their yoke came the promise of providing [Engineers], libraries, and other civil servants.

The last proposal came from the Classers of Orthus. Defiance, a way to play both sides against each other, a way to fight and resist, and remain independent. For they were not the subjects of demons, nor were they willing to pay endless tribute to elves with the threat of a grumpy [Tax Collector] misjudging the amount that needed to be paid.

Then there was the supporting documentation. Analysis, from crop yields to population growth, all the way to a rough sketch of the strength of both forces. Elaine had done the scouting, while Iona tried to war game out how the conflict between the elves and demons would go. Signing up to the losing team would have city-destroying consequences after all.

Boiling it down:

Signing up with the elves meant lower taxes, but minimal presence. They could be vaguely relied upon to defend the area - accepting tribute then letting the place get burnt down destroyed their own economic base, and weakened their argument to force others to join them.

Signing up with the demons meant higher taxes, but also a presence. The presence was a mixed bag - it both came with benefits, but a number of demons prowling around, societally unfettered, and with a whole lot of people around they were ‘better than’ and could legally take advantage of.

It didn’t take an [Oracle] to see that would end with the Valkyries taking significant issue with the demons, and it ending in bloodshed and violence. At least the elves were ‘only’ extorting them, and had no desire to actually live in Orthus. 

None of the decisions were good, but one would have to be made. Heavy was the head that wore the crown.

Skye chose, and bent the knee.








hopefully she bent the knee to the classers


Not sure how I feel about this decision. I think independence would have been best, and/or allying with the nearby descendants of the Sixth.


Probably to the elves. The sentence sounds like she submitted, while the third option would be her standing up and facing it.


Demons I suspect are a bad combo with Iona which would be bad for the village. Elves are better but only marginally. I would have bent the knee to Eventide Eclipse. Long live queen Elaine

JC Weiss

Thanks for the chapter. Hope she chose to go with the classers

Lena During

@Shoto given the sentence before it could also be "bending the knee to accept the crown"


Thank you!


It seems very ambiguously worded on purpose, which is kinda annoying, but I really hope Skye decided to stay independent and/or ‘bent the knee’ to Elaine/to becoming [Queen] herself. I was really looking forward to some more civilisation building instead of more of Elaine being a technical subordinate. Thanks for the chapter!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Hmmmm, I didn't think of that. I don't know if it was like that in all countries, but the heart was made by a representative of the church, and the king usually knelt to receive the crown.


Probably time for Elaine and Co to leave New Orthus. She has her manor and Amber is still out there.

Simon Hoerder

Thanks for the chapter! There’s now a New Remus Empire where the Elves instead of Vampires run everything? How did that happen? With Night and Susan still alive?

Thomas Heaton

Long live the [Queen]!

David Turner (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-23 21:56:50 Elaine could really ruin the new Remus empires class quality
2024-11-20 05:32:17 Elaine could really ruin the new Remus empires class quality

Elaine could really ruin the new Remus empires class quality


I guess they wait for the dust to settle and the fight for land to end


Nah, Elaine wouldn't want to be queen. Maybe become the grand guardian or some shit like that, but never ruling herself. Long live [Queen] Sky!

Daniel S

Because they didn't rule a Remus empire. They ruled the Exterri Empire. Just cause it looks and quacks like Remus doesn't make it Remus


How much time has passed since the immortal war?

Todd Kloos

So despite so many years passing they still haven't made contact with any other Exterior successor states? And they don't know where any other Sentinels are? Not even Sentinel Skater who was with them when they rescued the Orthus people from the shelter and seemed intent on staying with them, but then mysteriously disappeared from the story without any explanation? Was the war really so devastating that all the other Sentinels died, or did they go into hiding somewhere?

Simon Hoerder

Elves are cursed with arrogance though. They’ve been fascinated by ancient elvish artifacts, not ancient human artifacts. The first Remus Empire was human with a strong vampire faction working in the shadows, elves would need a dann good reason to take over the name.


The problem is that they have something like 4 elites against 500+. Good luck surviving without outside interferens.

Thomas Todd

Bend the knee could be Skye kneeling for her coronation, Elaine could take on a similar role to Night and rule the Sentinels and be the main power behind the throne without actually n ending to do any official ruling


What painful cliff

Thomas Todd

I wonder if Night and the other Vampires are working in the background to foster the war between the Elves and the Demons to weaken both sides before making their move

Hauke Sattler

The missing fourth proposal could be a test by the "secret society of vampires surviving the Immortal War". The "Empire of Orthus" has to prove to be able to solve it's own problems before they are invited by some "fanged smiles surprising them in the night"


May depend on how hard the elves really lean on the whole spiel and actually try to "continue/revive" old structures. If that is the case, then Elaine and Night being out and about will do exactly what you said to atleast the quality of the Ranger/Sentinel structure, no doubt about it.


Elaine may be a supporter of order and governmental oversight, but neither she nor Iona will stand for injustice. Then again immortal elves making a play for dominance will have POWERFUL classers. I predict heavy friction in the coming days


Lol this is a great idea. Just public drop "as one of the final two sentinels of Remus I don't not acknowledge you claim to its title" and wham class qualities get halved. (Is thirded a word? They have to have at least SOME claim, so between that Night and Elaine, I'd say thirded, 2/3rded? Until night does the same?) Damn the details would be exceptionally effective if they were at war. If not then its just hurting a bunch of innocents and crippling the early rise of civilization.


Executing the ruler and one eighth of the population for unpaid taxes is such bullcrap. How dare they even bear the name Remus.


My money is on her bending the knee to accept a crown on her coronation.

Stephan B

Heavy is the crown, indeed


Elaine really rocks the witch look.


It's mentioned at some point that Remus at its hight controlled the entire world at some point. Including the elvish lands.

Simon Hoerder

Yes. I don’t think being part of a human empire would endear it to the elves though. Unless it was an Elven empire using a human name for some mysterious reason.

Kasper Lynderup Jensen

History has a way of muddling the details. So it is entirely possible that there is some disagreement about who was the most important people in such an old empire and with the elves arrogance, they are probably biased towards believing it was actually an elven empire, they just let the humans manage the ordinary day to day stuff that was below them anyway.


Level 500 people are not a problem, the problem is the level 2000 elites, but it was said in the story that the Elites had not even entered the war yet, and were only having small skirmishes, for this moment, Elaine and the others are a solid fortress. At the same time, the elves and the demons are focused on each other. If the city proves to be too dangerous or that the losses outweigh the gains, both sides simply thought of postponing the overthrow of the city for a better time.

Alex Lyons

Can anyone actually tell me what happend to Sanguine proper? There was no actual confirmation the cities ocupents died. When we last heard the city was mostly fine after a KEW had been deflected into the bay. Where are the missing Sentinels and Occupents? Throwing that out there Sanguine was not actually confirmed destroyed by enemy action... seems offline odd that not a single Sentinel would have made it out of Sanguine alive, kinda wonder if Night has them stashed away somewhere?


Sanguino was literally laser beamed out of existence. That's why Orthus was moved over, bloodmoon bay filled in the hole. 572 - Sanguino was destroyed by an Arcanite beam of pure magical energy, the rubble falling into the expanding Bloodmoon Bay, which earned its name a second time.

BudgetDragon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-11-23 21:56:50 That’s pretty likely, given the last chapter has Elaine referring to Orthus as “Hers”. The whole thing with a demon and an elf could have been planned to intimidate. Who wants to deal with a heal capable of instantly healing any wounds and stopping high level fighters with a celestial barrier, along with her phoenix companion. Not even mentioning the high level paladin/wyvern pair that’s also there.
2024-11-23 21:56:50 That’s pretty likely, given the last chapter has Elaine referring to Orthus as “Hers”. The whole thing with a demon and an elf could have been planned to intimidate. Who wants to deal with a heal capable of instantly healing any wounds and stopping high level fighters with a celestial barrier, along with her phoenix companion. Not even mentioning the high level paladin/wyvern pair that’s also there.
2024-11-20 16:19:55 That’s pretty likely, given the last chapter has Elaine referring to Orthus as “Hers”. The whole thing with a demon and an elf could have been planned to intimidate. Who wants to deal with a heal capable of instantly healing any wounds and stopping high level fighters with a celestial barrier, along with her phoenix companion. Not even mentioning the high level paladin/wyvern pair that’s also there.

That’s pretty likely, given the last chapter has Elaine referring to Orthus as “Hers”. The whole thing with a demon and an elf could have been planned to intimidate. Who wants to deal with a heal capable of instantly healing any wounds and stopping high level fighters with a celestial barrier, along with her phoenix companion. Not even mentioning the high level paladin/wyvern pair that’s also there.

chris born

I'm pretty sure [Queen] Skye is a done deal. While Skye is the administrative head of Orthus, the Eventide Eclipse is the power behind the government. There is no future where they allow the injustices these treaties would lead to.

Alex Lyons

Your correct, I'm referring to the time between when 1-bladmaster deflects KEW, and 2-night is under bridge using pottery trap as Sanguino is destroyed. A decent chunk of time must have taken place here at least for at speeds of level 500+ classes. Where are all of Sanguino's high level citizen's who should have known to evac in an immortal war?


Not to mention that those are only two of likely many more new nation that expand. Even if other nations are not yet near enough to be involved, it will likely only take a few short years until a multi-sided war is ongoing.


Back in chapter 571, when all the Immortal War snowball events were happening, two elves were griping about everything going to shit yet again, and one of them decided to try making an empire to keep everyone from doing more stupid shit. The other agreed to help on the condition it was called the New Remus Empire. Remus is pretty well known as the original empire.


Ok lets not pretend that Remus wouldn't do the same. They had destruction wipe whole towns off the map that rebelled.


Last we heard Invincible was still with the sixth. While its mentioned that Elaine acts as a messenger between the sixth and a couple of other small settlements but they are too far apart to provide much meaningful support. The sixth set up outside of Exterreri while Elaine set up in the middle of the country. There is only wilderness separating them with no infrastructure or safe harbors between. Only high level classers can move safely between the two and those classers can't leave their new homes without their protection for long. While Skater and the other surviving vampire sentinels are maybe still around and in occasional contact if they are. Most likely they are staying underground in a literal sense of the word given their curse. Although it is also likely that Night picked up many of the surviving vampires when he came through. That being said I am extremely curious how Queens attempt at kingdom building is going given that she built it on elvish land that now has New Remus rising out of it.

Todd Kloos

Did we ever actually hear that Invincible is with the sixth? As far as I can tell, the last time he was mentioned was during that battle with the elf army, the he just vanished from the story without any explanation. Since Elaine is based right next to where the capital was, any surviving Sentinels should have easily found that she is there. It's strange that they haven't tried to contact her if they are still alive.


There's a pretty big difference between rebellion where the integrity of the whole Republic is threatened, and "I cannot pay your taxes because they're too high." Afaik, during the Middle Ages if a town couldn't pay taxes then people would come and either take it by force, or repossess the lands so that someone more qualified would be able to work there.


They're acting like Romans. Look up the word Decimate


Except they practiced it only on their armies, and only in case of mutiny or massive desertion. It wasn't used on civilians who were nominally members of the Republic/Empire.


Ominous Chappie. Thank You.

Harry Hirsch

Why have the elves named themselves new Remus? Don't they hate extrerri?


Extrerri is not considered the successor state to Remus by the world. We think of it that way because of Night and some superficial similarities. Plus Remus at its height controlled the entire world and integrated every people within it even the elves. Its pretty similar most countries in Europe and Northern Africa could claim to be the descendants of Rome but none have any claim to being its true successor.



Wolfgang Brieger

Night also planted old Remus Artefacts around old elven ruins to make the Elves beliefe they habe a bigger connection to Remus.