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Hey all!

This weekend is insanely busy for me, so instead of the usual vote incentive for what bonus content I'll be posting this week, I'm picking a slightly easier one for me.

Level-colors! Ever wondered how I got a color for [Identify]? Ever wondered how I kept it straight? This chart's the answer! I mapped out every single color from level 1 to 4096 (Made significantly easier by being ridiculously good with Excel), and whenever I need to know what color a level is, I just refer to this chart, then use the corresponding RGB code to color the text.



Level-Color guide

Sheet1 R,G,B,Level,Color 255,255,255,1 255,255,255,2 255,255,254,3 255,255,254,4 255,254,254,5 255,254,254,6 255,254,253,7 255,254,253,8 255,253,253,9 255,253,253,10 255,253,252,11 255,253,252,12 255,252,252,13 255,252,252,14 255,252,251,15 255,252,251,16 255,251,251,17 255,251,251,18 255,251,25...


Paul Jaeger

Lvl cap confirmed?


Is this the same color chart that is used for coloring class power? (I may have bungled the in-universe vocabulary. I mean when they're talking about a yellow vs. a green class, etc.).


So the Dragon is lv 4000+. Wow. way stronger than the guardians.


Selkie talks about it a bit in the classing up (aka system levels or system details) bonus. Key points for unlocks are powers of 8: First unlock at level 8 (8^1), second class unlocks at level 64 (8^2), and third class at 512 (8^3). The level cap at 4096 (8^4) follows this progression.