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Artist's first draft on the new book cover. Still needs work.

I'm leaning towards #1, although the artist said "Whoops, hang on, I meant to send you #2 instead". #1 just feels more "Elaine" to me, although #2 has nicer "motion"

To be clear: Elaine's going to hit adulthood in this book, and the cover artwork reflects it. I'd also planned for Elaine to become an adult in book 1, but, well, things happened. 

Things might still happen in book 2, we'll see




#2 Looks too classy / femme fatale for Elaine. Does not really fit her personality imo. Otherwise, looks good !


Thats a very mature looking 14 year old.


I asked that same question on discord and was told that it shows Elaine as an adult and no longer a minor ;)

Lictor Magnus

Number one looks for fitting but I think number two is still a great piece.


Oh it's a fantastic piece! I just can't jive it mentally with Elaine, not without a good amount of editing

Rip Woodham

#1 for front, #2 for back or inside cover. ;)


Seems like it would be better for book 2 either way but it is wonderful art


I getcha. 2 seems like it would be more fitting if her hair was in disarray and she was holding something else or just reaching for the horizon.


I definitely like 1 more but my biggest issue I with both is the bare shoulders/low cut top. It doesn’t seem like it would go with an active lifestyle (lowcut too and high speed running is called let’s flash the town). Amusingly I like 1’s look more and 2’s outfit more (the reinforced neck loop to keep her clothes up especially)