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The updated rough color artwork for book 2!




Hot damn.


Looks good. What’s the thing on her hip and the dark icon on her dress attached to the chains? Was wondering if it was her ranger token.


Either a super-secret thing that's upcoming, or artist discretion. You decide!


Pretty! I’m still super confused on why her outfits are always strapless and shoulderless and low cut though. But that’s a personal chip on the shoulder to otherwise lovely art


The artist seemed to completely ignore directions to the contrary. S/he's good enough at a low enough price that I'm willing to accept some deviation from what I asked for.


I don’t know how that works but generally ‘reasonable’ requests for commissions shouldn’t be ignored? Just saying if it’s important to you, might wanna put your foot down. That said it IS gorgeous. I just... don’t see Eliana. Outside of maybe being forced to go to the marriage meeting? Might just be me. I always picture her in a shirt and pants, maybe with some pouches and belt. Looking ready to run off at a moments notice.


This is future-Elaine by a few years. Elaine does like being fancy - [Pretty] was her choice -but she's had next to no opportunities to show it. I'm also reluctant to delve too deep in that direction when Elaine's not an adult, since it can easily get, or seem, squicky.


Fair enough. I did forget a time skip is coming up most likely for ranger school


I'm not going to be time-skipping, so much as montaging. So 2 years will be compressed over 8-10 chapters showing "significant" events

Paul Jaeger

I love how the sky looks!


More problematic is that it's the same in the first book cover, where she's a kid throughout...


I had 100% intended for Elaine to become an adult in book 1 when I commissioned the initial artwork. The characters had other ideas