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The whole Ranger team again! More artwork I commissioned for everyone to enjoy!

From left to right:

Arthur, Elaine, Artemis, Julius, Kallisto, Origen, Maximus.

The artist was a bit slow on this one, but I think it's slightly higher quality in the end.

Yes, Elaine's short, especially next to the man-bear-mountain that's Arthur. Yes, Artemis and Kallisto's eyebrows don't quite match. Yes, Julius suddenly has a beard. No, Origen was rarely bare-chested - the artist wanted to show off his tattoos. 



Lictor Magnus

There's a ghost in-between Kallisto and Maximus!


This might have been commissioned pre-event, and I was hoping it'd all be done before that. The artist took his sweet time though


What's the deal with the spears?

John O'Connor

I like it but 15 year olds aren’t quite that short


Elaine: teenage human, or fully grown hobbit? The world may never know...


Elaine: 1.6 meters, near the bottom of the chart, but still within normal range. Arthur: 2.5 meters, a giant of a man. The relative size ratio has Arthur a bit small actually.... But yes, there's also a good amount of artistic license being had here.


I haven't had a chance to go into great detail on this yet, but: Spear, Shield, Short Sword, Spade, Sandal - the key, important elements in ever soldier, and as such, Ranger kit. Spears are *really good* for killing people and things. Even when guns came around, bayonets were a thing, and there was a bayonet charge as late as 2006 by a modern day army in real combat. It turns out, one of the best ways of killing something is poking them full of holes when you're not near them. The Roman Legion was famous for their spears, and interlocking shield wall with spears sticking out of them. If they ended up in closer combat than that, short stabbing swords were their answer. Rangers follow a similar philosophy, and they're all trained in those weapons. Hence Elaine being trained in the spear by Artemis. Everyone's default weapon is Spear, Shield, and Sword, unless they have a build or a reason to use something else. Arthur uses a bow with poisoned arrows, Julius is a speedster who doesn't want to be in a shield wall - although he's not above using a spear, they're not as good for hit and run as slicing blades are - and Maximus uses whatever strikes his fancy, but will default to a spear in a pinch - see when he went to rescue Elaine in Virinum. Elaine, Artemis, Origen, and Kallisto all use spears by default, because there's almost no reason to NOT have a weapon on-hand. You can hold a spear and still shoot lightning bolts.


Tiny Elaine is tiny :D


Do you have this in psd format? And if yes are the rangers in different layers?


Maximus looks a bit defeated


That is unfortunate, might have been able to do something with the hights, odd that he did not give you one, I wonder what program he uses to draw


Artist was originally trying to make him a brooding rogue. I was like "no, not a brooding rogue. Just looks like he should be one."


Hmm Elaine being 160 centimeters is just short of the USA average for women at 161.5 centimeters or 5 ft 3 in. If she looks this short in comparison to the other rangers Artemis might be around 6 ft (183 centimeters) and the men of the team would above 6 ft (183 centimeters). Is my guess close? Also thanks for the artwork it’s amazing.


My point about the spears, is that they're fake. They aren't long enough. They're not real spears. They're like short sticks with a blade on the end.

John O'Connor

I had a look at this in a paint program. Arthur looks to be around 2.4 or taller. At least half again as tall as Elaine and he's leaning down. Sorry but Elaine is way too small for a human unless she's 10 or so.


Yuuuuup. Its the spear that does most of the killing for most of human history not the sword. Swords were generally mediocre vs a spear. The exception to that was if you were highly talented and trained in a sword...but it was typically only nobles who were like that.


Elaine looks six to eight( or a hobbit). I notice people are not good at drawing children. Otherwise I love it

K Hilliard

Looks like a decent piece of fan art.


I think the beard works for Julius, makes him look older and also more believeable for the time period.