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Hey all!

As we start to move into book 3, I figured I'd post the rough sketch I have for it.

The artwork had been ordered well ahead of time (And the artist is past the contracted deadline....), but the Artist is having health problems. Hope he gets better!

Changes that have been requested:
1) 'Mockingjay' Eagle to SPQR eagle

2) minus the sword

3) Red cape

4) And more!



Acquiles Vitorino de Melo Graça

Red cape would definitely be better, but I think Elaine would be a great poster girl even by just resting a hand on a sheated sword, which I understand she does carry around.


She doesn't? I thought she always carries it with her when she is on ranger business.


I like it. I think the sword sheathed would be better as she only uses it in self defense.

Acquiles Vitorino de Melo Graça

She does, I literally just said that. I'm saying she doesn't always look like a perfect poster girl like in the covers, but that she could, not that she doesn't carry weaponry.


The pendant from her parents would be a nice addition I think.


It would! It's usually worn under her armor - don't want to risk it getting snagged and ripped off.

Armand Sellier

Nice! And you are absolutly right with changing the eagle, this one made me think of "hunger games" way too much.


Maybe an indication of her magic would work. For example, her playing with a small flame on her hand or her maybe glowing with "healing" light.

K Hilliard (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-07-12 16:14:37 Looks good
2021-01-14 19:19:53 Looks good

Looks good


Yeah looks pretty solid.