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Hey all! 

Just a few minor things, none of which warranted an announcement on their own.

1) Entries for the art contest close tomorrow - poll should be up on Thursday, and run for a week. 

2) Paperbacks are now available on Amazon! They're expensive though. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B091F5SQTQ

3) The audiobook is available for pre-order on Amazon! Expensive without an audible subscription. Coming out May 11th - https://www.audible.com/pd/Beneath-the-Dragoneye-Moons-Audiobook/1039402259

4) Side stories for $10+ tier have started





Awesome! That looks like a full-size paperback, not the half-size mass-market paperback, which explains the price.

Jet Kean

Why are the $10 tiers only getting the side stories shouldn’t the $5 tier also get them? Cause both tiers say they get the side story content in their description


Two different types of side stories. There are "Julius reporting to command" and "Elaine's parents" side stories - which is the $5 and will continue to happen - then there's the $10 tier which are much more explicit - Elaine getting the massage in GREAT DETAIL, for example


No Offense intended :D but is this what they call "Hair-Splitting?^^

Robin Voigt

Yay audiobook. I will buy that.