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The final round of voting! This round determines who gets prizes!

After some back and forth, I decided that everyone gets 5 votes in this round. AKA, vote for the five pieces you think should prize. From there, the winners will be determined! Voting closes Sunday evening, my time. 

If you vote for more than 5, I'll use my awesome powers as the author to eliminate some of your votes however I choose :P 

In no particular order:

1st set: Author's choice:

1) Moonlit Mango, by PumpkinMeadow: (Automatically passes round 1) https://www.deviantart.com/pumpkinmeadow/art/Moonlit-Mango-874489133

2) "Elaine and Artemis eating all the mangos" by Rfae! (Automatically passes round 1) https://www.artstation.com/artwork/q95JYL

3) "Beneath the Dragoneye Moons Artwork" by Endbringer! (Automatically passes round 1) https://imgur.com/a/CjHU9JB

4) "Dino Knight" by Green (Automatically passes round 1) https://www.deviantart.com/henodus2/art/Dino-knight2-

5) "Elaine Fanart" By Arkroot! (Automatically passes round 1) https://www.deviantart.com/arkroot/art/Elaine-Fanart-875045248

2nd set: In by voting:

6) "Dawn Sentinel" By Green (Again!) https://www.deviantart.com/henodus2/art/Dawn-Take2-874972361

15) "BTDEM Typography" by Daedalus again! https://www.deviantart.com/norskdaedalus/art/Beneath-the-Dragoneye-Moons-typography-873515081

9) "Fireball" by Nikola! https://www.artstation.com/artwork/v28o6D

3rd set: The author screwed up and didn't include it in the poll the first time: 

8) "Fireball Training" by Shane! (Please note this is a gif, not a picture) https://www.deviantart.com/pixelart-noob/art/Fireball-training-874986997



#4 doesn't exist


And the armor in #5 is impractical, but I like the art

matt green

#4 link seems to be working? Just FYI its Sorok from the 300 interlude but did not want to give a spoiler title