Iona artwork post v2.0: The version where I'm not bad and I make this a poll. (Patreon)
Trying this again, because WOW I didn't expect it to be so divisive, nor did I expect everyone to have such excellent feedback on everything! I was expecting people to come up with some good points that would sway me one way or another, but instead I just ended up more confused than ever.
With that being said, I'm putting this to a poll, to get a better overall sense. I totally reserve the right to ignore the poll results and do what I want, but hey. I'm at this point already so I'm probably going to listen, and blend the results the way the poll results.
Keeping in mind that this is for the FACE ONLY, which one of the three Iona sketches do you like?
(Armor is going to be how I want it, and the hair's going to be long because let's be real, this is the glamour shot, not the properly attired for a fight shot. See Elaine not having a helmet/her longer hair in all her pictures.)