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Happy Halloween! Thank my wife for this idea!

The cast:
My wife - Elaine with her fire dress
Flora - Dragon! Rawr!

Me - One moon



Tate Browder

y’all are adorable!

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Diabetes! Being the moon is of course the hardest part!


Would've loved to see your face too! And Flora was perplexed in the second Photo 😂

Flying Goat

One of the moons? Or the Great Pumpkin disguised as one of the moons?


Adorable have a beautiful Halloween

James Teeple

So if you are the moon does that also mean you are Emarkul?

T. Clemence

That's a baby. I hate those. Congratulations to y'all, though.

Que Tea

That is just adorable


Wait. Was I the only one under the misapprehension you were a woman?

Scott, just Scott

What? You married Elaine!!! So all the speculation about Iona is off base?


I mean, I could be a 6 foot 1 blonde warrior with a thing for short plucky doctors.