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Continuing to break open the art vault! More Elaine! She was supposed to have a glass rose from Serondes, but eh. The artist... wasn't great. 

Shameless plug for the STABBIES! Less than 24 hours remain in voting!! Vote BTDEM for best web serial! (Along with whatever else you think)





What outfit is that supposed to be? It looks nice. I think the art looks nice, but it shouldn't have been hard to make it a glass rose... demand your money back lol


This outfit is "The artist looked at the reference pieces and decided to do his own thing." I also had to issue a chargeback after 2 months of shit communication for the artist to actually FINISH the piece. I was not happy.

Harry Hirsch

okay this time i got you. really didn´t took more than 2 min :)

Harry Hirsch

the artwork looks so mature, i first thought it was Artemis.


Bribe accepted.


As a piece of art in isolation, it is quite nice. As a depiction of Elaine, it is just bizarre. There is nothing Roman-like about this at all. I'd be mad too, Selkie. Also, is that a bloody Knights Templar cross on the skirt?!


Ye, I was less than thrilled with this one, but it IS a nice piece end of the day.


I voted.... in the only category that had anything that i read or watched.... and i had to vote for AH too... sorry...

Flying Goat

Expression looks wrong for Elaine (yes, she goes from experienced, paranoid ranger to happy go lucky pretty quickly, but looks too world weary to me), and the cross seems very out of place.


Very RWBY or Overlord.


No worries! See, if everyone goes "Well, I had to vote for BTDEM and [This one other story]", then I win in the end :P


Like I said, more medieval fantasy than Roman fantasy

William Folk

I’m I crazy or does she not have a right arm


Love this art!


Looks like her arm is either missing or her elbow is bending the wrong way


Hyper mobility is the elbow isn't particularly rare.


She's leaning on her right arm with her right elbow pressed into the side of her body.


It’s okay art, definitely doesn’t seem to fit with the rest of it though.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Finally got to stab author - sama. Some of those nominated, though... Wow. Who in their right mind would vote for what they did to the Wheel of Time series?


Love how there's a boob window with a chevage shield. Seems a little ridiculous


You mean the god awful butchery called a TV series? It is worse than the sword of truth TV series.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Yeah, it's insulting towards Arcane to have them in the same list. Didn't even know there was a "sword of truth" TV series, probably better anyway not to.

Stuart Thwaites

I've only read the 1st wheel of time(I couldn't get into the characters) and even I thought Amazon butchered it completely

Stuart Thwaites

Just think, it's an obvious target so everyone will aim at it. She can block or dodge everything because she knows what they're looking at... plus it's enchanted to do....something