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There are too many entries, and Patreon doesn't let me have more than 25 options in a single poll. Vote for all the ones you like!

The highest votes won't necessarily win, but it will impact my decision making.



Hey! Heads up, the links aren't clickable on mobile

Keith Symcox

They aren't clickable on my desktop either. Also, part 1 was in Chinese.

Adrian Gorgey

Okay, I made my votes! I do feel like the ons at the beginning probably have a bit of an advantage just by virtue of being at thebeginning though lol. Well, and the one right at the end. But whatcha gonna do, there's gotta be a beginning and there's gotta be an end.


Well, that UI sucked.


were we voting on possible covers or just ranking some nice artwork?

Hayden Pech

So... how are we supposed to look through these? or is it just "highlight" > "Copy" > "Paste" > "Repeat" for every. single. one?


Yeah, it's a bit unwieldy to do this for 50 different pictures, then having to think through which ones you liked, and then go back and fine it.


If you want to have a vote pole like this, I would highly recommend checking out the options available with google forms. You can have display pictures on a multiple choice format poll.


Do you think that 500+ people actually went through all that, or were they just randomly picking?


idk https://imgur.com/8VEOeTo (The Old Phenix) loks like a AI gen Picture from DALL-E and dont rly that does not fit. But i dont wat to blame the author.


Seriouely, it would have been nice to get some kind of name for some of those pictures... For some of them I was just like: "Who the f*ck are you supposed to be?" Like seriously, that one picture was just some person completely covered in armor with a fricking Crossbow. Until now, there hasn't been a single character that uses a damn crossbow...


This contest is rough on mobile haha


I'm gonna guess they randomly picked. This is a bit of a pain in the ass.


It is an AI art contest, which is separate from the "human" art one


Here's the link in order for the post: 1: https://imgur.com/8VEOeTo 2: https://imgur.com/EARwX64 3: https://imgur.com/rMV5PAM 4: https://imgur.com/CozHCfY 5: https://imgur.com/HzErIml 6: https://imgur.com/1zLnHSx 7: https://imgur.com/PEsGgKX 8: https://imgur.com/WTL8qpY - Wife's Choice 9: https://imgur.com/xmk0kiR 10: https://imgur.com/kjid0uG 11: https://imgur.com/63SbNcT 12: https://imgur.com/zJq373t 13: https://imgur.com/8piwGpk 14: https://imgur.com/vNSFyov 15: https://imgur.com/jubBdxs 16: https://imgur.com/vrj3y4i 17: https://imgur.com/pHjrM0Z 18: https://imgur.com/v7jwjS3


You can just copy all the URLs and paste them into a google or word doc to make them clickable.