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Hello everyone!

I apologize for my recent poor communication.  Lots of things have been going wrong in my end, most of them relating to Amazon and it’s had me running around with my hair on fire. so to any lack or poor communication I apologize .

its now admin week. No chapters this week while I try to get on top of things. Frankly everything has been so chaotic I’d be trying to take this week off to sort it all out anyway! For reference things are wonky enough that I’m making this post from my phone, not from my desktop.

as previously announced and mentioned, beneath the dragoneye moons is going to kindle unlimited. https://www.amazon.com/Beneath-Dragoneye-Moons-Book-1-ebook/dp/B08NWJMXXV/

book 9 is still funky for non us audiences. I’m still talking with Amazon over this and I’ve finally persuaded the front line csr reps that something is very wrong and managed to get escalated to another team. Naturally that team only works a few days a week…

please - if you have the wrong version don’t refund book 9 and try to buy it again. Amazon strikes my book and my account every time that happens. grab the epub from patreon or discord! I’ll make an announcement when it’s all fixed for all audiences at last.

web comic continues to chug along. These things take months unfortunately. Admin week next month is going to be the week of the 20th.

On another note I’m super excited for these upcoming arcs and upcoming book! Thank you everyone for your continued support it means so much to me.





"and it’s had me running around with my hair on fire." Should have bonded with a phoenix smh Jokes aside, hope you have a nice admin week and get things to a less hectic state so you can relax


All good, Brother! Hope ya get it sorted out, and that you can get a little rest sometime this week!


You are not forgiven. As punishment, you must spend your week resting and catching up on life.

Simon Hoerder

Hope you’ll get some time for yourself as well! It probably wasn’t planned that way but I appreciate that your admin week doesn’t overlap with Aila‘s holidays. Weeks where the two best web series take a break are always the worst for me. 😅

kfir with a כ

Damn if Amazon algorithm sends your series to the shadow realm it will be a crime against readers


take your time, unscrew the several pooches, decompress a little. We'll be here.


Hi just came here from Amazon. love your story. Just read book 9. Yeah it was kind of messed up. Was supposedly released when I bought the whole collection but failed to purchase at the time. Bought it separately and it worked fine. Love the story. Caught up in just over a week. now to catch up here as well.(and find the discord link because its not in the books. Might have missed it on RR)


Quick question, for those of us who want to pay for the ebooks but don't want to pay through Amazon, do you have any other ways to buy them?