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Hey all!

It's that time of month again!


1) Admin week is the week of June 26th. I'm aware this is a minor departure from my normal schedule, it's because of a business trip my wife's taking. This is slightly awkward, because right after June's admin week is...

2) I am moving in July. Billing will be paused for the month. Three chapters will be released that month. The idea is to keep all of you around and waiting for me to come back, while also sending out reminders that yes, I am still alive and here, and I'll be coming back. There is no set schedule as of this moment when they'll be released. I'll know more end of June.

Iona tier content - there will be an Iona-tier incentive for July. Because I can, and because you're all that generous.

3) Amazon is about to raise the prices of all paperback books. I'm going to try and eat the entire raise in cost myself, so that the price you all pay remains the same, but Amazon's famously dickish about it. There's a strong chance that I'm going to need to raise the price, just so Amazon doesn't start charging me every time someone orders a book! Unlikely, but possible.

If you want a paperback, buying sooner rather than later is cheaper and/or gives more money to me, and less to Amazon.

Book link: https://www.amazon.com/Beneath-Dragoneye-Moons-Book-1/dp/B091F5SQTQ/

4) I want to give a heads up about book 11. It's taken me a little longer than expected to get here, and I don't usually discuss the themes or message of a book ahead of time. Better for it to be subtle, I think. In the background. Not in your face.

Book 11 - assuming the characters don't derail my plans AGAIN - is going to have a war theme, and I hope to highlight just how ugly war IS, as opposed to the sanitized-propagadized version that usually exists. I'm not going for shock value or anything like that, just... a take of what war is, to the best of my abilities. Some of it will be high-shock content though. Some content might be significantly darker than anything I've written before though, so I figured it was worth the heads-up ahead of time. I might give a second heads up on some specific chapters. Anyway, I'm rambling.

5) Book 9 is going to KU Soon. Probably around the time this post goes up, I've got a lot of stuff to do this week and that's one of them. 

6) Audiobook! BTDEM book 8 is now out! It's a FAT book, so it's well worth the credit. Amazon wants to charge a hilarious $50 for it... yeah no... https://www.audible.com/pd/Beneath-the-Dragoneye-Moons-8-Audiobook/B0C2RDTH2X

On that note, Podium seems to have gotten their act together with BTDEM, and book 9 is in full production swing.

Speaking of, I gotta get them the book 10 details...

7) Book 10! I'm going to be releasing the epub in the next few days for people to get their hands on. Two extra chapters you haven't seen yet for those of you willing to take a peek ;). I'll also be submitting the book to Amazon this week, and if Amazon decides to go 'lol LAUNCH NOW!' and once again be completely unpredictable, well, you'll all get the remaining two chapters ahead of time.

Thanks Amazon.

And yes, I can see you all drawing chalk pentagrams and sharpening the knives to start the ritual sacrifice to get the chapters early.

8) Webcomic! After a few hiccups, production's back! 

9) I can't say this enough so I'll say it again here. The schedule is going to change after I move. At a minimum, the posting time will likely change as I adjust to a completely different timezone. I'm also going to be experimenting with my writing a bit, to see if there's a different, better way for me to write.

Worst-case? Things stay the same as they are. 3x chapters a week, 2-4k words each.
Best-case? I manage to get to 5x chapters a week, 2-4k words each.

I'm aiming and kinda hoping to do 5x chapters a week, 2k words each, but we'll see how things shake out in my new place at my new routine.

Thank you all for your unwavering support all this time! I can't properly express how thankful I am to each and every one of you for continuing to support me, and make BTDEM possible.

Thank you,






Good luck on the move! I'll being moving down to Florida myself here soon.


What do you mean with the Book 11 comments? In the real world, we have had things like the Mai Lai massacre for civilian atrocities or Paschendaele for a purely military horror. We know about how awful wars can be. I'm not criticising or trying to put you down or anything just trying to understand what it is you will be trying to portray.


People who study history do yeah. But that’s the sort of thing I’m aiming to show, that’s the sort of feel. Too often war is shown as a glorious endeavor


I’m guessing you’re going for something along the lines of the formorian war or the Shimagu from back in Remus, except both sides are human, so you can’t just mentally excuse it as “oh, they’re ‘other’ so it’s fine” so easily? I mean, objectively the formorian and shimagu scenes were horrific, but since they weren’t human it wasn’t anywhere near as impactful.


Yeah, that would make sense. Elaine has never fought humanoids on a large scale.


I'm really excited for some grittier content than the lighter tones than we have gotten post reset. I don't mind slice of life, but I want moar skulls for the skull throne...

Burkhard Mittelbach

Take it slow with the change to 5 chapters a week. Maybe start to grow a small backlog. Than you can change to 4 chapters and see if your backlog is still growing before changing to 5. I have seen to many great authors burn out because of their writing pace.


Good luck with the move and thank you for all the amazing writing. Regarding the - "war theme" - I'm a former military medic, so I actually empathize with Elaine. Her progression over time from aiming for complete pacifism through to understanding the real need for violence at times has resonated with me and I've appreciated the nuance you have communicated as she has struggled with many of her progressions in that area. I'm also completely in support of a war background. War is ugly in ways civilians often think they understand, but almost never do. The people in war, all of them, are exposed to things that those who have never experienced it always think they can understand, but almost never do. And I agree, to often, portrayals are intended to shock or to drive people to some politically motivated conclusion, and those are often unhelpful in the bigger scheme of things. So I'm very much looking forward to reading how you handle it.


I'm curious about other times that characters have derailed your plans. I always find it intriguing to see how characters go against what the author originally planned.