July EOM announcements, August, September Schedule (Patreon)
Hey all!
The Void Month is just about nearing its completion. I'm like 50% moved in, but moved in enough that I can get back to posting. Yay!
Posting will resume on August 2nd as scheduled.
Now, I hate this timing.
Life has taken a baseball bat to my kneecaps. My basement flooded twice (Two different storms, two different spots springing a leak. It sounds worse than it is, we've mitigated and fixed, but in the moment it destroyed all concentration and productivity), then Flora ended up in the emergency room (She fell and her front tooth fell out complete. A baby tooth, but again - lots of blood, crying, and screaming)
All in the same WEEK.
Needless to say, allllll my 'shit will go wrong let's have some flexibility in the schedule' time got utterly obliterated, and then some. Extra bonus with it happening in the 'get back to writing' week.
Fun stuff.
Admin week will be the week of August 7th this month. Yes, yes, I know, I just got back off the moving month, but I hope you all understand the 'everything is fucked on my end' aspect. However, that's the admin week for the entire month. The rest of the month is filled with delicious posts as usual! Hurray!
Admin week in September is the week of the 18th. This isn't the usual admin week, but I run a serious risk of burning out of if I try to push to the 25th. It'll make the gap a little less dramatic for me, and get me back to my 'usual' admin week at the end of the month.
Thank you everyone for your patience, and your unwavering support. I can't properly express what it all means to me.
I can do my best to write more chapters for all of you to show you how I feel though!
Web comic: Slower than I'd like. Poking the production team about it.
Audio: Unsure when book 10 is coming out
Thank you again!!