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This is the chapter for December 15th.

Classup with the colors here!

For fun, there's a form you can fill out to rank your thoughts! I'm curious how it'll shake out. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1uiK5Oa9AdqKvYOBdI33fUnwAG4VHGL3z8PNz5d97HJU/edit#responses



With the major rock in my class options analyzed, I went back to the more ‘normal’ offerings.

If five strong black quality classes could be called normal.

I decided to slow roll it a bit. Take it from blue to black.

One thing I quickly noticed was that each of the books talked extensively about my healing accomplishments, and they all overlapped. Some focused a little more on different parts than others, but all of them mentioned all my achievements. I had filtered for Celestial healing classes, and the bulk of my accomplishments was in the field of medicine, so it was no surprise.

The top number, the biggest one, was also one I sort of felt I cheated on.

Healing has touched more than a million lives.

A million was a lot of people, but every time I’d walked in a city, [Cosmic Presence] had been active. The Han Empire’s population was so dense that it only took a little bit of time to qualify, let alone all the traveling I’d done and cities I’d visited.

Directly saved more than 500,000 people from imminent death.

That one I was crazy proud about. That accomplishment was worth bragging about.

Wrote the Medical Manuscripts.

That, and the tens of thousands of knock-off effects were mentioned throughout my accomplishments.

Healed a dragon. Healed/bonded a phoenix. Healed an angel. Healed…

I had a long list of creatures my healing was just barely able to heal, and I’d helped with.

Huge battle numbers. My willingness to heal both sides - including, to my surprise, someone who’d been actively firing shots at me just minutes before. That was one highlighted hard in [The First Oathbound Healer].

Survived attacks from a Guardian. Survived dragonfire. Survived phoenix flames. Survived the wrath of a God. Survived…

I was an [Undying Cockroach] through and through, and my achievements reflected it.

I had achievements from the start. From doing every little bit I could in Aquiliea, to healing the bandits who’d captured me, to my desperate run for Kallisto. Perinthus and the plague, Ranger Academy and injuries. My work as a Sentinel, the last stand against the Formorians. The angel, the dwarves, and the dragon. Elves and centaurs, phoenixes and wyverns. Healing when it was illegal, when it put my life at risk. Healing when it was safe and easy. Biomancy, and how I tried to improve lives with it in my own little way.

Wars and plagues. Mass casualty events, all the way down to casually healing scratches on individuals. My offerings listed them all.

It was worth mentioning that many of the skills were upgraded in similar manners. Every class, for example, had [Wheel of Sun and Moon] merging with [Dance with the Heavens], opening up a new skill slot for me to use. Additionally, the restrictions for the healing at range aspect of Wheel vanished entirely. I no longer needed to be under moonlight or sunlight, seeing the stars, caressed by the sky, or anything like that. Simple distance was the only criteria, although the penalty and range were different class to class. All of them boosted the potency of my already-existing healing skills, but to different degrees. Apart from the subtle differences between existing skills, each class had their own range of entirely new skills offered, and arenas of operation.

I remembered the old angel constellation from when I was making [The Dawn Sentinel], and it was clear that even the ‘worst’ healing skills on offer had basically the entire constellation filled out. Petrification was an excellent example of something I could easily handle now. The only thing missing was medium and strong cursebreaking. Even strong cursebreaking tended to no longer be a healing skill, but a dedicated [Cursebreaker] skill in different elements. Like how Water healing couldn’t restore limbs.

Another major aspect was nearly every class had minor ‘biomancy’ included in it. It wasn’t true biomancy, not by any stretch of the imagination, but the ability to fix a number of genetic defects and flaws were included. Things like sickle cell anemia, immune diseases, certain types of diabetes, etc. Changes to the base template that were otherwise not allowed. The type of fixes that were occasionally offered in [Midwife]-type classes.

My study of biomancy helped and informed the upgrade though, permitting me to do everything I knew was possible, healing all sorts of defects.

Suffocation was another one I would no longer need to worry about, although food and water were an eternal requirement.

Each offering was naturally different from the rest, focused on an aspect that the others didn’t. They also each had a slightly different offering of additional skills.

With a polite request, I got some paper and a quill to start writing down notes on each class, building a grid to best compare apples to apples when I could. Writing down which classes offered [Celestial Authority] and which ones gave [Mastery], for example, along with technical notes on each upgrade. Given how similar the classes were to each other, the devil very well could be in the details.

[Saintess of the Dawn] In the pantheon of sacred callings, the Saintess stands as a paragon of light and protection, a blazing beacon in the darkest hours. This hallowed class is revered not merely for its profound healing abilities, but its ability to protect, shield, buff, and more! The Saintess is the avatar of the first light that scatters the shadows of despair, bringing hope and renewal to all in need. Her presence is a sanctuary, a shield against malice and corruption. The Saintess embodies the very essence of divinity and benevolence. The powers vested in a Saintess transcend conventional healing. Her touch mends the most grievous of wounds, her prayers shield the weak from harm, and her calling upon the stars purges corruption. She is a wellspring of divine energy, channeling the very gods and goddesses themselves. She is filled with divine wisdom and guidance, able to soothe all those who come to consult with her. The path of a Saintess is one of selflessness and sacrifice. Her journey is filled with trials that test her spirit and resolve, yet her conviction never falters. She is a radiant force, the glowing sunrise that drives away the darkness! +100 Magic Power, +100 Magic Control, +800 Mana, +800 Mana Regeneration per level!

I had to admit, it was a little more off-base and interesting than some of my other healing classes. It was strongly healing-centric, but not only did it have fantastical healing, but my barriers and shields were promised to be greatly empowered, and I’d have access to a wide variety of buffs that I could bestow on people. What was nice was not only was I offered strong single-stat buffs, but also amazing omni-improvements that helped with everything. [Untarnished Icon], [Lady of Life], [Bastion of Hope], [Hand of Ciriel], [Answer the Whispered Prayers], [Sworn Ally], [Unblemished Apex], [Avatar of Rebirth], [Faith in her Protector]... the skills just went on and on and on!

If that was all, it’d be amazing.

It wasn’t. The class also made it clear that it would be much easier for me to request miracles from the gods and goddesses. I knew there were quite a few divine entities interested in me, and I could possibly request help from several of them, not just one.

The class ran screaming headfirst into the ‘8 skill slot problem’. Dozens and dozens of powerful skills, but only room for 8. If I took [Invoke Miracle] I might not have room for [Sunrise]. I didn’t want to give up [The Stars Never Fade] for [Fated Intervention] or [Your Destiny is Life], but I only had so many slots, and unlimited options on my skills.

It was a good problem to have. Sort of like ‘Oh no I have 40 thoroughbred unicorns but my stables can only hold 8 of them, what ever shall I do!?’

If [Saintess of the Dawn] appealed to me, I’d need to dig hard and deep to figure out my exact build. Unlike [The Dawn Sentinel], where I’d massacred a huge amount of potential to make it work exactly the way I wanted to, with [Saintess of the Dawn] I’d be able to keep tinkering with the skills until I had the exact configuration I wanted.

It was clearly a religious class, all of which were ‘hamstrung’ at ‘only’ blue quality. Generally far higher than anyone could hope to achieve, but I wasn’t exactly normal.

Activity wise, it was a wild departure from [The Dawn Sentinel] in many ways. The core healing aspects remained, but it would reward me far more for staying in a temple, handing out blessings, buffs, and healing, than it would for attending meetings and marching on the road.

I… might’ve screwed up a little. Right now, that was super tempting. I’d just spent three and a half years in a warzone, witnessing the worst humanity had to offer. A class that went ‘nope, sorry, we’d like you doing the cleanup but not watching your brothers and sisters in arms die horribly next to you’ was super appealing.

Heck, it looked like I could still function as the Sixth’s War Sentinel. My healing range would increase massively. I just wouldn’t be getting as much experience for it.

Right. One class down. [Saintess of the Dawn] was a strong option, and the biggest mark against it was the quality. Blue was good.

It wasn’t black.

[Crow’s Acquaintance, Dove’s Nemesis] was up next.

[Crow’s Acquaintance, Dove’s Nemesis] The loom turns, and the threads of fate are spun out in ten thousand glorious colors. Black Crow//White Dove are the cutters, the snippers of the threads of destiny, cruelly pruning the tapestry of life. Crow’s Acquaintance, Dove’s Nemesis is one who would grab the shears of death and wrench them again, allowing the threads to continue spinning and weaving out in beautiful harmony. It is a class for one who has seen the divine manifestation of both Crow and Dove, who has defied them to their face. They refuse the finality, the end, the great death and the cycle of samsara. They help the defiant throw off Black Crow, and challenge the peace White Dove offers to all souls. The Nemesis is more complex than a mere battle against death. It is steeped in the moral quandaries of eternal life, carefully navigating the ethics behind Immortality. How much is too much? Will preserving too many lives here and now simply cause further, more violent bloodshed in the future? By preserving the parents, are you robbing the children of their future, one in which no elders make way for the younger generation? Conflict is at the heart of the Nemesis, from conflicts of the body, to conflicts of the mind and soul.  +1313 Free Stats per level.

The title was interesting, and a dive into the story of what my life would be like with the class was revealing.

In short, it was the Immortality class. With [The Dawn Sentinel], I’d taken the bare minimum on the Ouroboros of Immortality, and this class maximized it. There’d be no cooldown on the skill. No limitations on the types of creatures I could make Immortal. It would be permanent Immortality, and I’d gain much finer control over ages.

Interestingly, I could also make someone older. I could be 8 years old one minute, and 98 the next, then bounce back to 18.

My funds would be unlimited. I could spend a day charging thousands of Immortality gems, and while flooding the market that way would cause the price to crash, there was still a lot of money to be made doing it.

The direct healing abilities naturally upgraded and improved, but the shields and barriers stayed the same, as did [Sunrise]. It was a fascinating option, but I didn’t quite feel like it was right for me. I was fine with my current pace of being able to hand out Immortality, although stretching the skill a bit and making it permanent was very appealing.

Not critical though, not in the way I’d needed the skill before.

If my life had been even a fraction less strange, I would still be level 500 and change, bouncing around in Remus. I felt a pang of loss at the sentiment, all the people I’d known who were gone, but boxed the emotion up. Put it in a pile with the rest.

The philosophy hinted at was interesting, but more interesting if I was taking the class, versus having the Immortality skill with a cooldown and restrictions. It might be worth having some long discussions with Night about the nature of being able to endlessly produce Immortals, and the ethics involved. He’d naturally done a ton of thinking on the topic.

I was classing up here.

[Medic of the Dread Sixth Legion] - You are the lifeline of the Sixth Legion, the glowing savior that negates death and brings life. You’ve healed…

Take this class, and may your brothers and sisters in arms never fall! +888 Strength, +888 Dexterity, +888 Speed, +888 Vitality, +888 Magic Power, +888 Magic Control, +888 Mana, +888 Mana Regeneration per level!

Uhhh no. I had a few regrets even going through the class. It was basically a hyper specialized [Medic] class, but I’d lose so much, namely in what I got experience for. A simple upgrade of [The Dawn Sentinel] would have everything [Medic of the Dread Sixth Legion] had, without the drastic narrowing in scope.

It was one of the only classes without the minor biomancy, which made sense. By the time someone joined a Legion, they were already fit and healthy.

The only interesting part was a side-path that was available. [Repair] was a class skill, the basic one simply helping me repair armor and gear a little better. As I gained experience - both with the skill, and physically repairing thousands of armor sets in all the different ways they could break - the skill could slowly evolve into letting me repair things magically, into a ranged repair, into a massive area of effect ‘repair’ skill. Of course, I’d run into the ‘only 8 skill slots’ problem again, and it’d take decades of semi-normal operations to level the skill that far, but it did exist.

It was academically interesting as a fun skill, but didn’t appeal to me as something I wanted to have.

To the bottom of the pile! The stat distribution was nice. One level and I’d have strength again!

[The Last Sentinel of Remus] You were crowned in glory and laurel wreaths, the first woman Sentinel of Remus. Now, in this day and age, you are the last one who can claim the title ‘Sentinel of Remus’.

My heart practically stopped at the line, and I skipped the rest of the introduction, speed reading through the book at top speed. I relaxed with a sigh.

Night was still alive. He hadn’t died, although I strongly suspected I would’ve been told before I even landed that something had happened.

No, from the tone and the sense I got, Night had simply been around too long. He had done too much, been in too many places, held the title of Sentinel in too many countries and iterations of Exterreri. He just didn’t qualify as a Reman Sentinel anymore, he was far, far more than that.

I suspected as time went on, as my identity was married to Exterreri, that the option would fade away to dust. That one class up, I wouldn’t get the option to become [The Last Sentinel of Remus].

It… wasn’t thrilling me. It was more about being the final Sentinel of Remus, carrying that torch, rather than being a Sentinel. It was a legacy class, a historic class, not a modern day Sentinel class. Oh, sure, it still had healing at its core… but fundamentally, it probably should’ve been filtered out if I was a little more careful with my words.

Four classes, and I was fairly confident I wasn’t taking three of them. [Saintess of the Dawn] was still on the list.

Onto the good stuff! Onto the goodies! Onto the black classes!

I started with the one that was my name. Because I could.

[The Elaine] - The Healer. The Elaine. +100 Strength, +100 Dexterity, +400 Speed, +400 Vitality, +500 Magic Power, +500 Magic Control, +6666 Mana, +6666 Mana Regeneration per level.

I was nodding along on the offered stats until I got to the mana and regeneration portion, where I felt like doing a double take.

HOW MUCH mana and regeneration!? By all the goddesses that sent me invitation letters…

I knew my current issues were primarily around mana and regeneration these days. [Oath] was boosting my magic power and control to absurd levels, to the point where I couldn’t keep up with my mana. I needed more mana, and the class delivered.

The class description was great! I loved the short nature of it, the weight and impact it offered. It sadly told me very little about the details of the class, and for that I needed to go digging.

I delved deep into the class, feeling an innate affinity for anything named after me. I wasn’t just a healer, I’d be the healer.

The class was fame-focused. It didn’t have me resting on my laurels, but doing things that spread the knowledge of medicine and the Medical Manuscripts were strongly rewarded. Also, to a certain extent, being myself. Could I level simply from eating mangos? What a life!

The fame focus meant I’d passively gain good amounts of experience. My leveling rate would be extremely quick, possibly dragging Auri along with me. I hadn’t had time to check the rest of the classes, but I’d be surprised if any of the other ones could level faster. On top of that, it had a broad mandate, and I suspected that basically everything I did would result in good experience.

It was hard to be sure. The School of Sorcery and Spellcraft didn’t exactly have a lecture titled ‘When your accomplishments are epic enough to rename a profession and tag after you and there’s a class offered with your name on it’. I’d be carving new territory in that respect, venturing into parts of the System that maybe only the eldest dragons and Night himself had tread.

Even then - given the low profile Night tended to keep, hard to tell.

I’d gain experience going around and meeting other healers. A little for me, a lot for them, and the more I interacted with healers, the better it was for everyone. It dovetailed nicely with what [Loremaster] and [Butterfly Mystic] wanted to do.

It had a fun skill - [Sing My Name]. Anyone calling my name - well, to be fair, or for a healer - inside a generous range would get automatically healed. A less fun, but more important skill revolved around my presence. [Cosmic Presence] would get an upgrade that not only would it passively heal people, but it’d boost everyone else using healing skills in the area. A little like Auri’s [Domain of Fire], and I suspected there were more depths to the skill that I’d find out when - if - I took the class.

It was a strong contender, but didn’t make my heart beat wildly with anticipation. Then again… I’d known it was coming. It was the most direct ‘upgrade’ or version of [Mother of Modern Medicine] from my third class offerings. I’d had my expectations met, I knew the class was waiting. There was no denying that a class named after me fit just right.

I had more options to look through!

[Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix] The healer is a caregiver of all creatures in life, from the smallest plants, all the way up to the greatest creatures in existence. They understand the deep interconnectedness of all living things, from the tiny ant to the leaping antelope. They see the intrinsic value in all life. From nurturing the smallest seedling from the humble mustard plant, all the way to the ancient dragons and massive titans, the [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix] loves them all. The healer is also extremely capable, able to use System magic, all the way down to simple herbal remedies, a broad spectrum of cures are available. They are as comfortable concocting a potion for dragon scale rot as they are in prescribing a delicate balm for a phoenix’s feathers. Their practice is an art form, requiring an intuitive touch and deep resonance with the natural world. From the tops of the highest clouds, down to the abyssal bottom of the oceans, the healer is comfortable moving around, able to survive and thrive in all environments. In their journeys, the healer also finds themselves the guardian of sanctuaries, places where creatures both rare and mundane can find rest and respite. From the Stygian Dragon to the Rainbow Phoenix, from the crawling insects to the newly blossoming flower, from the titanosaurus to the microraptor, the healer is knowledgeable and able to care for all life under the vast sky and bountiful sun. +512 Strength, +512 Dexterity, +512 Speed, +512 Vitality, +1024 Magic Power, +1024 Magic Control, +2048 Mana, +2048 Mana Regeneration per level.

Seeing both Lun’Kat and Auri named in the same title was intimidating. I cracked the book open, and got reading.

The class was basically as described. My current classes and most of the offerings I’d seen so far were heavily focused on elvenoids, although I was able to heal most other creatures at a steep penalty. [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix] completely removed that penalty, and let me branch out into plants, fungi, and basically anything and everything living.

Speaking of branching out, the light potion-making and environmental travel were nice, but I was failing to immediately see easy use cases. My healing combined with my biomancy and stats made me extremely tough, although I suppose being able to swim easily at the bottom of the ocean was nice. Not that I had any plans of going that deep.

“I’m a healer and I’m here to help.” would sound like “glub glub glub” to a hungry kraken or leviathan, who might lack the intelligence to understand what a healer even was. My Radiance was practically useless in the oceans, and yeah. I wasn’t going down there anytime soon, nifty underwater travel skill or not.

That wasn’t to say I disliked the class! Just that I found the particular element less than impressive.

All in all I liked it. My focus had been hard on elvenoids, but I welcomed the option to expand my abilities to all living things, great and small. Fenrir would be the biggest winner of me getting the class. His massive bulk combined with the penalty I needed to eat healing someone so far outside what [The Dawn Sentinel] was built for was painful.

Auri, thankfully, was a little stupid in how she handled damage. That, and our companion bond already gave me perfectly efficient healing; my increased healing abilities didn’t matter for her.

[Where She Treads, Life Springs Anew] looked like so much fun.

I wasn’t axing the class. I kinda liked the idea that I could heal everyone, everything. I knew I was having a bit of a bleeding heart after the Han empire and everything I’d seen there, but there was something so… aesthetically pleasing about being able to walk through a field of grass, and the grass and plants I stepped on came back stronger and better than before in my wake. My mango grove would be the healthiest one around.

Next class!

[The Arbiter of Life and Death] - The Arbiter is revered and feared in equal measure, a figure of awe-inspiring authority and power. The class is the embodiment of decisive judgment and unwavering resolve, both on and off the battlefield. With a mere glance against the chaotic tapestry of battlefields, both mundane and medical, the Arbiter decrees who will live, and who will die. In their hands lies the balance of life and death, a responsibility carried with a solemn sense of duty and an unshakeable moral compass. Their decisions are not marred by doubt; each choice is made with a clarity that cuts through the fog of war like the first light of Dawn.

The mantle of the Arbiter is one of immense power and responsibility. Every decision made carries the heavy weight of lives and the looming specter of death. Unwavering moral strength is a requirement, for the power and burden to decide the fate of others is a heavy one, laden with both salvation and sorrow.

[The Arbiter of Life and Death] has no room for hesitation or dithering. Their decision is final, their judgment absolute. They decree who lives, and who dies.

That is it.

+400 Strength, +400 Dexterity, +800 Speed, +800 Vitality, +1600 Magic Power, +1600 Magic Control, +1000 Mana, +9000 Mana Regeneration per level.

The description was ominous, and I went reading.

To my surprise, the class was the natural upgrade of [The Dawn Sentinel]. It leaned on my snap decision making in battles, where I quickly evaluated who I could save, and who I had to sadly let go. It also took in and referred to my combat prowess and my extreme lethality when I did need to fight, including the ‘duel’ I had with Meng Ao.

Wonder of wonders, it included an armor skill! I’d be able to reinforce my gear with vitality, no longer chewing through armor sets like hotcakes. My gear could actually survive an encounter, and be useful. I was starting to lean towards ‘why bother’ on account of armor being like tissue paper in the face of attacks that could hurt me.

A number of the classes included minor cursebreaking, but [Arbiter] had a smidge more. I’d still be vulnerable to some of the most famous curses in the world, like the werewolf’s curse, but I’d be able to shake off a few more things. Not that I had particular experience with curses - I’d been lucky to dodge them most of my life.

It was also worth noting that I’d explicitly picked out and built [The Dawn Sentinel] for me, and I resonated closely with it.

I didn’t want to make decisions about who lived and who died, but I recognized reality for what it was. I did make the decision, and no amount of reluctance made me any slower to do it. The class cut to the mean heart of triage and limited resources, but it wasn’t wrong in doing so.

Another interesting skill was [The Dawn Has Arrived]. In short, a large-scale healing that didn’t require an image, with an utterly absurd range and long cooldown. The intention seemed to be that I’d rush from place to place, and the moment I arrived, I could trigger the skill to immediately restore everyone in the range. I could’ve used it in Shuixi, and healed the entire city in a single go.

Interesting - I wondered if I could replicate the effect with clever use of my other skills. Naturally, I couldn’t do anything about the cost, but the effect? Maybe.

The class included a brief note that it could restore the runes I’d carved into my bones, confirming that my current healing and images couldn’t handle it. Good to know! I was being careful with those runes, and had only used them a few times, hoping to get a skill to handle them before they degraded too far. I was using them less than anticipated, and it wasn’t critical that I get the upgrade now, but it was something to note. Another tickmark in favor of the class.

An aspect I hated was [Cosmic Presence] could now be used to deny healing.

That was not me. That would never be me, and I believed it would violate my [Oath] if I used it that way. It wasn’t a killer on the class - I could always take it and not use it - but I disliked that it was even possible.

What about the hydra? A little insidious voice whispered to me. What if stopping his regeneration saved lives?

I put the ethical conundrums around preventing others from healing into the ‘future Elaine’s problem if she even takes this class’.


[Savior From the Stars] From the sprawling tapestry of the cosmos, where countless worlds spin in the dance of existence, there emerges a special type of person. A special type of healer. The [Savior From the Stars]. This rare and prestigious class is bestowed upon those whose profound knowledge of the healing arts transcend Pallosian boundaries and conventional wisdom. The savior is not merely a healer, but a beacon of hope, a bringer of life, and a guardian against the shadow of death.

A savior is the pinnacle of medical mastery. With unparalleled skills, advanced interstellar knowledge, and a deep, intuitive understanding of life’s fragile balance, the savior brings her own practices. Any tool can be bent to her whim and will, and her simple presence soothes tortured minds. Her knowledge unlocks the mysteries of maladies unknown. Her compassion and love for life is boundless, healing all with no regard to race, status, species, or creed. She is the tireless guardian of health and wellness, the harbinger of healing.

She is the promise to end suffering.

+64 Magic Control, +64 Magic Power, +7777 Mana, +7777 Mana Regeneration per level.

The class was interesting. There were strong references to my otherworldly origins, and it was the closest to a ‘pure healer’ upgrade/class that I could see. The stats reflected the pure healer nature as well - a little bit of magical power and control, a huge amount in regeneration and mana.

[Savior] also included a note about the runes on my bones, giving me more options.

What was fun was [Celestial Spirit] was offered directly. No work to upgrade it, no epic journey to make it happen. I’d get the top affinity skill off the bat, which had a subtle influence over the cost of all my skills and abilities. It would stack well with the other bonuses in the class.

A careful reading of the class sadly indicated that I was unlikely to gain a transformation skill. I couldn’t turn myself into a moonbeam and zip around the world, as cool as that would be.

Nothing was super flashy in [Savior], and as far as I could tell, it was the best ‘pure healer’ class on offer. What it lacked in flashiness it made up for in all my current skills being upgraded harder than any other class. [Celestial Spirit], for example, over [Celestial Mastery] that most of the others had.

With that said, it did have a few skills available for my last skill slot. [Chosen by the Stars Above], [Star-Crossed], [Guiding Light], [Constellation of the Crown], [Galactic Laurel], [Stellar Blessing], and [Cosmic Champion]. Fantastic names, so-so abilities. If the tiebreakers came down to the last abilities though, they were decent.

The last class was also the easiest one to figure out what was going on by its cover.

[The First Oathbound Healer] First, do no harm. These sacred words are the beating heart of the Elaine’s Oath, the creed that healers devoted to their craft take. Your words, first spoken over the funeral pyre of your first friend, have set into motion a legacy that would span millennia. [The First Oathbound Healer] represents not just a commitment to the art of healing and medicine, but embodies a profound spiritual bond between the healer and those whose lives they save. It is not just the medicine and knowledge that makes the healer, but the philosophy and heart.

With deep respect for the sanctity of life, [The First Oathbound Healer] has triggered endless generations of healers to follow in her footsteps, lighting a torch that has been passed down for eons. The Oath is so powerful, so ingrained into the cultural psyche throughout dozens of cultures, that it has withstood attempted eradication, efforts to supplant it, and most insidious of all, the deadly test of time.

[The First Oathbound Healer] is a bulwark against despair, a beacon of hope when the sun doesn’t shine, and a reminder that as long as there is life, there is unlimited potential. The healer’s mastery of the medical arts is such that she’s turned the tide of battles, not by sword or spell, but by saving lives and maintaining the fighting spirit of her allies.

The legacy of the [The First Oathbound Healer]  has thus become a symbol for the highest ideals of medicine, serving as a sacred covenant which binds all those who would take the title of healer. In a world where the line between life and death is blurred by strife and suffering, she has taken the noble high road, the principled stand.

You are [The First Oathbound Healer]. Once again take up the torch, and carry it into the darkness.

+64 Magic Control, +64 Magic Power, +12000 Mana, +3000 Mana Regeneration per level.

My [Oath] would move up and become a class skill, without the major obligation and forced behavior modifications that I was threatened with the last time I’d been offered an [Oathbound] class. It would also upgrade, moving up to 8% change per level, and that was before [Sentinel’s Superiority] kicked in and did stupid things. It also came with a flat 50% discount on healing efficiency, which was insane. I ran some quick numbers and was disappointed to find out that even a .1% reduction per level would’ve been stronger than a flat 50% discount. Ah well, can’t have it all. The reduction in and of itself effectively doubled my stats when it came to healing, and that was before the skills themselves upgraded with additional efficiency.

The healing efficiency would stack with a change to [Celestial Mastery] and a buff to [Dance] reducing the cost. The triple cost reduction would make healing cheap to the point of absurdity.

The scope of the class was relatively narrow. It would be hard to find things that exactly fit what the class wanted to do, although my experience and leveling rate should be alright. The class had a minor fame aspect to it, granting a trickle of experience from other [Oathbound Healers]. It wouldn’t be massive and epic the way [Oath] jumped to the cap and stayed there - it would only be experience moving forward, not historical experience - but it would be enough to keep the class on track and moving forward, as long as the institution of [Oathbound Healers] didn’t get eradicated.

Even if that did happen, it would be naturally mitigated by Auri and our companion bond. She’d gotten on the right side of the leveling curve, although hopefully her newfound resolutions would slow her down a bit.

Frankly, if neither of us gained a level in the next decade, I’d be fine with it. I didn’t need to level now, today. I didn’t need to gain power as fast as I could.

I had a long, long time. This was a marathon, not a sprint.

The mana to regeneration ratio was interesting as well. It lent itself to huge bursts of healing all at once, then a slightly longer time to fully regenerate my pool. It was a different take than some of the other more regeneration-focused distributions, but with enough discounts on my healing, I would be fine. It wouldn’t be a game of ‘can my regeneration keep up?’ so much as mana management.

With only three out of my ten options eliminated, and all seven classes looking good, I looked over my notes and which classes had survived so far.

[Angel of Mercy]. [Saintess of the Dawn]. [The Elaine]. [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix]. [The Arbiter of Life and Death]. [Savior From The Stars]. [The First Oathbound Healer].

It wasn’t terribly easy to compare everything to each other, but there were some similarities between the different classes. For example, [Celestial Affinity] was upgrading in each class, but to a different extent. My notetaking had proven fruitful.

[AN: There's a table at the end of this chapter that Patreon formatting utterly massacres]


Marvin bennett

Tough choices me personally id vote for the dragon Phoenix, but i can see the saintess,elaine, and otherbound being very good choices too even the arbiter actually man tough tough. What are you guys votes if you could vote.




Painnn. So torn on Angel of Mercy though. New battles, new level of power new lore...

Ryan Brudnicki

I think that one's interesting too. But it seems like it would permanently lock her out of godhood. Im not sure its worth it


Honestly the only ones I am going hard no on are the god based ones I feel like Elaine is a strong independent woman who can make it without gods helping her out

Stephanie Washburn

I'm really not entirely sure why, other than I associate that pick with all kinds of activities that really don't strike me as being Elaine's kind of thing. Like............ Maybe the author is fascinated with weird animal facts and feels more affinity with it than Elaine has shown?


One thing I want to know is if by ascending early through another god/goddesses domain, does Elaine get locked out of making her own? Would she forever be a subordinate of that god/goddess? Not an issue for a long time but something to consider if it is the case.


I like either the arbiter or the dragon phoenix classes, and as interesting as the Angel is, I imagine Elaine is similar to Ilea from Azarinth Healer, and decides that there is more she wants to do than just become divine.

Ryan Hearn

Thanks for the chapters I read a lot of lit rpgs but I think sometimes I'm not the target audience. I find the Class Up chapters to consistently be the worst parts of the story and a lull to read, but I'm pretty sure these are supposed to be the giant pay offs for most readers I think I just don't care that much for the "number go up" side of things when it overtakes the narrative for a week

Han Pol

Okay, so I think there are a few things to think about first no angelic class, in my option may be a fun idea to tease or foreshadow the true lategame if this story goes for longer past an immortal war or another big catastrophe in Exteri. But for now we have not enough information. For now she is just high powered for the mortal lands but not for the immortal ones. Even if this class likely changes this. So personally I'm against Saintess and the Dragonphonix healer class, Savior Arbiter and Elaine all sound good and there I would rank Savior and Elaine a bit higher than Arbiter and Savior a bit higher than Elaine. If Elaine levels a lot quicker than Savior it may make The Elaine better. Overall the Elaine's Shields are better, but Cosmic Spirit...is likely something that carries over to other classes 256 or so levels later. And than she can pick the more fame focussed class. The same can be kinda said for the dragonphonix one healing all things... but that feels more than a direction change.


I’d pick the same. It is the one that is going to save the most lives. It is basically a life mage that will both be able to heal the people but also the land so they can eat. It could eventually acquire the reality healing that she didn’t take with spacial mage.


Librarian called it an "early exit", which implies to me that's it. The symbolism of becoming an angel by literally leaping out of the library doesn't help. I think if she takes that it's very final.

Mike G.

I know it wasn't planned, but Selkie's cliffhanger skills just leveled again 😀


I'm gonna say the only real options here are The Elaine, The First Oathbound Healer, and Saintess of the Dawn. I think the others deviate too much from the core of what she is. Personally I'm thinking The Elaine is the one to go with. Titles always get more impressive and more powerful inversely with complexity. I really cannot imagine a more impactful concept than being codified by the system as THE Healer. The Ur-example. The fact that it's also her name is just icing on the cake. If there was any class that would outstrip the MOMM, it's this one.

Osloo Mortan

But you can vote ( kind off ) with the second link at the top of the chapter.


Arbiter and Elaine sound the best, imo. The 'of Death' shtick attached to Arbiter might sound like it doesn't super fit Elaine, but remember that her primary healing class isn't 'The Dawn Healer', it's 'The Dawn /Sentinel/'. She's a Sentinel, and for as much as she's dedicated herself to saving lives through healing, she's devoted as much effort to learning how to make the decisions necessary to save people by removing the threats that hurt them in the first place as well. This would be an upgrade to her Sentinel class as a whole, not just to its healer tag. The Elaine, on the other hand, is holistic in a different fashion, expanding on everything that Elaine is rather than everything that The Dawn Sentinel is. So either of these would work pretty well. The various bonuses the other classes give aren't bad, but that doesn't mean they're sort of things Elaine would want to shell out for.


Gotta be honest, I got a little misty eyed reading the oathbound description.


While I’m excited about what class Elaine will choose (my vote is torn between The Elaine and Arbiter) I also can’t wait to see the conversations with Night and Arachne. The revelation of warring pantheons is kinda a big deal……


Saviour and Oathbound (and Saintess) do nothing to fix her Strength problem (that being if she keeps levelling Butterfly Mystic her strength will drop to 0, which will be bad), so we can probably rule them out. Saintess also has terrible stats comparatively, being blue and not black. The Rainbow Phoenix is a trade-off she has refused before, and it doesn't sound like she likes it. And Angel doesn't seem like a great choice, when she is more than capable of earning proper divinity the long way. I would put it down between The Elaine and Arbiter of Life and Death. The Elaine is her "I want a dang holiday" class, and the Arbiter is her "I want to go out and save as many lives as Elainely possible" class. We will see which aspect of Elaine wins out after the (long) break.


Is it just me or thinking becoming an Angel or goddress is binding her to the world she is on. I think the she would never do that too much of a free spirt to bind herself to one world when she knows there are other worlds out the for her to explore out there.

Flying Goat

I don't see her taking either of the religious options. She doesn't seem super keen on [The Elaine], though I think that would be my preferred class for her to take, just in terms of narrative direction. I don't see her taking [The Arbiter of Life and Death], though could be surprised on that. She's rejected animal-focused healing classes before, and I don't see it appealing to her now, either, so I don't think she'll take [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix]. Anyhow, my money's on [Savior From The Stars] or [The First Oathbound Healer], though not remotely confident of it, and there are reasons to be skeptical of those options as well (like how little her otherworldly origins have come into play, after the first or second book).

Tiffany Miller

I like the arbiter of life and death the most it's who she is

Flying Goat

I agree that the stats are pretty uninteresting (and increasingly fairly meaningless - the exact same text could be written about her with +500 regen per level as with +1,500, not really changing things at all). Think in this series, though, the choice also reflect how Elaine sees herself / who she wants to be, and the direction of the story, which make more invested in them, at least.


Couldn't agree more, although First Oathbound Healer is also a strong contender imho. But you're right, those two feel like the best fit.


I like arbiter the best it seems to move her forward without cutting of options for her to grow as a person. It is much more who she is yes the ideal that everyone should be healed but the pragmatic acknowledgment that sometimes you have to kill the cancer to save. As she did with the great general and as she stated in her talk at the school when she was publicly revealed as the author. She has always been much more pragmatic in her approach to do no harm than the other oathbound healers we encounter. It also looks like the only one that doesn’t require her to change her behaviour in order to level. The others require fame or mass healing or prayer etc. If she took angel I think she would in effect be making it extremely hard for herself to later ascend to godhood. (And there are very strong hints in this chapter and really elsewhere in the series that the level of accomplishments she is racking up lead to that as a real possibility.) Angels are also not known for putting devotion to a mortal (Iona) above their patron unless they are fallen. So I can’t see the relationship surviving unless Iona very quickly became an angel as well. But really why would she choose to limit herself to the whims of goddesses she barely knows? The Elaine would definitely be my second favourite choice, I think it has her becoming a little more wandering academic than wandering protector if that makes sense but I can see it pushing her in to the realm of goddess eventually, especially the sing my name and be healed aspect. Feels very much like a forerunner of pray to me for healing.


My first instinct is it’s going to either be “The Elaine” or “ The Arbiter of Life and Death” they seem the closest to her one is her and the other is the upgrade to her current class. That’s my hot take.


I skip past the numbers themselves, but I really enjoy reading about the upgrades in capabilities and new skills.


Elaine/arbiter/oathbound are my bets in order. They just fit her character more, and arbiter could make some VERY interesting ethical dilemmas with what just happened regarding Iona and Nina.


Also, Elaine and Iona confirmed NOT to end up the moon goddesses if they're offering angelhood.

Daniel Sifrit

Remember the two angels she ran across so far.. one had pretty much had its butt kicked and the other one was a nightlight for LunKat. I am gonna say she waits until Iona has passed before she seriously considers that one. I think she is going to take "The Elaine" or "Saviour" -- and remember she is not that far from levelling Butterfly... (I still laugh at that, I think Papillion snuck that one in on her and its has a slight affinity)

C Gillan

Fantastic chapters. The favorite for me is oathbound as its something key to her and a core part of how she views and interacts with the world. Why not make it stronger.

Guilherme Paschoaletto

The Elaine sure is a strong class and title, and being fame-focused would quite possibly let her power-level the class quite fast. If Elaine's goal was to get to Divinity, this would surely be the best pick. Considering her mindset post-war and that she has a fan-goddess, the Saintess would probably be a stronger option.

Jason Hardman

Can't help but feel saying "apples to apples" for comparison should be "mangoes to mangoes", considering Elaine's curse and fruit preferences 😁. Also, I learnt just now that both "mangos" and "mangoes" are valid spelling for the plural of mango; go figure.


Angel of Mercy could be fun. But being more practical, she would be better off picking The Elaine or Arbiter.


I'm thinking The Elaine... it has that added vanity thing that is definitely from Auri's bond and it is just who SHE is. A class that rewards her for being herself? I don't see her (or anyone) passing that up.

Guilherme Paschoaletto

I believe Dragon/Phoenix and Savior are not really good classes for her, even though they have some good benefits. Oathbound is okayish, I think. Saintess is probably the strongest defensive class, as she'd have stronger shields, buffs to defenders, and could potentially invoke divine influence in her favor. Considering she has a fan-goddess, it could probably be counted on. Donate half her mana to Ciriel every time she's full and don't expect to need the mana, and she'll build up the favor quite quickly. While Arbiter is a really good class, The Elaine looks a lot more like what both wants and needs. It also has the benefit of levelling faster. I think there's 60% chance she'll take Arbiter, 35% chance she'll take The Elaine and 5% for everything else.


Thanks for all the chapter 😁😁


Wow, okay these are some different types of awesome. I will have to read through this again later.


I completly agree with this comment. I also think that arbiter is the perfect start to get her own domain when ahe becomes a goddess, considering the pure healing one is already taken. Angel of mercy is an interesting choice, but not for her because angels will have to grow closer to their gods ideals (probably).


Depends on if they already know about themmor not. Someone as old as night should have at least heard about something like that

Hauke Sattler

Reading through the class descriptions gave me goosebumps. TYFTC!!!


I'm thinking "First Oathbound Healer" since it combines so well with what she's already got and becoming an angel sounds like it'd tie her to a goddess(es) that she's just found out may ask her to join another war she knows nothing about. At the very least she's got time to work for a stronger entry into divinity.

Caedmon Fowler

While I love [The Elaine] class, I’m concerned about the skill “Sing my Name”. It sounds amazing, but if anyone can just say Elaine and is instantly healed, then all enemies attacking her will be constantly calling her name. If she has no control over her skill, then she might have to axe it if she takes the class.

Samantha Lane

I just don't know. If it was me, I'd be torn between Elaine and Dragon/Phoenix. For Elaine, herself, I think no to: Saintess, it's just a lower, blue, level Angel of Mercy; and Dragon/Phoenix doesn't fit with War Sentinel and life in Exterrerri, although would be great if she and Iona planned to travel the world together, forever. I don’t like Oathbound or Arbiter personally, but they work well as far as skills go. So, my top 2 picks are Savior and Elaine. Savior, I like because it mentions new fields of healing for Elaine to learn and master, particularly mental health.


I do wonder is part of the reason the current healing god was so heavy on the praise and offering the angel position is if you can supplant a god. After all I find it hard to believe there wasn’t a god of healing before he rose to the position. In that light Elaine is a major threat her name means healer and people would always be calling out to her so she could in essence overpower him eventually. She could even push in to the major goddess of life’s domain perhaps acquiring aspects of her role and edging her out which again would be powerful incentive to offer the angel role. Gods and goddesses domains frequently change and evolve in to new aspects and others become forgotten.

Jay Kominek

Hm, everybody is on board with "Elaine is ending up a god". I'm now guessing we go bigger than that, and she ends up replacing Aion. We've got the confirmation that Aion likes Elaine, and the revelation that there is a fight going on between divinities, so there's the route to a job opening.

Steven Lamb

Angel of Mercy! there isn’t much extra she can do, time to fight with gods


So in my mind there are 2 major paths for the Story right now. And honestly to me both can work really well, First she delays becoming an Angel/Goddess for atleast until Iona becomes one aswell. Im assuming Auri is a non-issue because she would just follow Elaine immediately, considering she is a Phoenix that doesnt seem far fetched and bonded aswell. Then she picks (For me itd be between Arbiter(Straight upgrade, describes here decently well but a bit boring), Savior(Seems like by far the most interesting option, opening up a lot of new avenues and having very good boosts) or The Elaine (I mean its basically just her and I imagine it makes all of her healing skills nuts, but It focuses a bit more on the Fame of The Elaine and less on what is so important to her). And the story basically progresses through Pallos for a while longer with more conflicts, maybe an immortal war etc. until she ends up ascending. Option 2 is she becomes an Angel of Mercy right now, probably to Aion, but stays mortal until Iona joins her. In this case we would probably have another 100 Chapters or so on Pallos, maybe exploring a story with the Elves, a wedding, some initial contact with the Divine War going on, some LunKat stuff maybe. A lot of options basically, and then off to the Ascended Realm. I almost prefer the second option, the main reason being, Ever since the Timeskip it hasnt really felt like Elaines place anymore? Im not sure how to describe it, but to me it felt like for a while now that while there is clearly much to offer still in Pallos, Elaine is already interacting with the highest level of it, and apart from the elves, Lunkat, and anything involving the School we havent really had anything setup on how the story continues from this point onwards apart from them being entrenched more into Exterreri. Now that we have had Elaine part of an actual War, the only real step up would be an immortal war, but that seems like Itd only happen if the Elves decided to attack exterreri for Elaine, and it wont if she becomes an Angel. Everything else now that Elaine has settled down will feel a bit, Slice of Lifey I feel like. TL;DR: I feel like Elaine becoming an Angel would be a nice change of Pace and make this moment feel much more impactful and be beneficial for the story as a whole.

Andrew K

Unless the offer is a carefully worded attempt to discourage any Angel choice as part of a paradoxical gambit to keep history on track. . . (Not that I really think that's what's going on, just amusing to find justifications to keep the idea alive.)


I feel like its not really just about "the numbers go up". They are measurable milestones of growth that show you straight on how much the character has grown. And they are just satisfying


Actually scratch that small change of mind. I dont think taking the Angel class right now is a good idea, I think that option should wait until the next classup so that she can gather enough information on what it actually means. As in, what it means for godhood, what it means for oaths, Pallos, Auri, Iona, the war etc. It wouldnt fit Elaine to jump into "binding" herself to another being without having more information. And since the next classup is 1024 apparently thats not far away


Unless the level up stats are corrected to account for stat loss, the arbiter loses her mana as it levels up.


Anyone else feels this cliffhanger is waaaaaay worse than the one at 495? Having to wait 3 weeks to find out her class will be way worse torture...


She could become a god instead. Would probably take her less than 1000 years to do.

Samantha Lane

I agree on waiting for 1024 before going full Angel. Learn more, grow more, as a person - she's only 27! - and develop her skills, classes and experience. Angel will still be on the table at the next class up and Elaine will hopefully have more of everything to bring to the class then.

Randy Marks

To me, due to stat problems with strength, dexterity, and speed, and a need to remain independent, only Elaine and Arbiter are real options. Arbiter is the good option for fighting (regen/heal denial, more physical stats, and very high mana regen) while the Elaine is a good option for very fast leveling to reach godhood herself and join the war later. Or she would level fast, then pick Angel path later when Iona dies to join her in the eternal war.

Mohammed khaled

“You are [The First Oathbound Healer]. Once again take up the torch, and carry it into the darkness.” Would the darkness have anything to do with outsider pantheons and their threat to all life in pallos. “ Come. Join me. Help me fight against the encroaching darkness that threatens all life on Pallos.” also if Elaine took angel of mercy can she become a god after and would she still be levelling or would she just be stuck as an angle .

David Johnson

On a pragmatic level (and setting aside the angel option) I think Elaine really needs an option that gives physical stats. Yeah, strength might be her least important stat, but it's currently low enough that a few hundred strength per level will make a much bigger difference for her than a few hundred mana/regen. The same is true to a lesser extent for the other physical stats. That said, I think dragon/phoenix is too much of a departure from what Elaine will actually be using the class for, so that leaves The Elaine and Arbiter. Elaine is stronger overall and will help her quickly get to 1024 where she'll have another opportunity to branch out or shore up any remaining weaknesses, while Arbiter is better specialized for her role as a war sentinel (the armor skill in particular is a big deal, especially if anyone ever figures out her curse).

Benjamin Smith

If it were me, there's no way I could resist having a class that's literally my name. The ego boost would be unmatched.

Samantha Lane

Good points about angels and Papillon, he didn't offer her Angelic status - perhaps he was warning her to think it over. She can always change her mind later.

Mohammed khaled

If she can still level get stats and skills with not too much side effects of not having a patron god and if she can become a god after she becomes an angel then it’s a quiet attractive idea, if the affinity doesn’t have anything more attractive

Andrew K

The Angel option seems out due to being premature. Could see later circumstances where she takes it (e.g. if it seemed like her only chance to solve a situation imminently threating to take a lot of lives), but for now it just seems like sacrificing too much potential. Even with the recent war activity weighing on her, the Saintess option seems too off-brand for her. I could maybe see her taking it if the other options were all relatively weaker and/or more off-brand, but doesn't make sense with the other options. The Dragon/Phoenix class certainly feels right for her in some ways, but seems like it's resting pretty heavily on aspects of here experiences that mesh better with her second class, so seems like a pass for the same basic reason she passed on Mother of Modern Medicine a while back. The Savior class seems like a reasonable-enough contender I wouldn't be totally surprised if that's the choice, but at least as described it just doesn't seem like a particularly good fit - the emphasis seems like too narrow a slice of what she's been using that class slot for, and it doesn't really seem to be bringing anything particularly special to the table. The Oathbound class seems like a reasonable-enough choice to me that I wouldn't really be surprised. However, there's been enough about her not liking how aspects of her oath tie her hands too much in certain situations that, even with this one having weaker restrictions than similar past options, I'd expect her to give it a pass rather than making the oath even more central to her existence. Moving the oath to be a class skill instead of general also seems like it would have an exceptionally high limiting impact on her future upgrade options for that class. The Elaine and Arbiter classes seem like the frontrunners to me. Just based on the primary description sections, Arbiter seems like the option if she ultimately wants to lean into what she's been doing thus far, while Elaine seems like the best available option to shift her focus marginally away from actual warfare. However, literally every table row makes Elaine seem better than Arbiter, so Elaine seems like the most likely choice (even ignoring the reasons having nothing to do with the interesting bits of having a class named for herself). I could maybe see preference for the specific stat distribution pushing it the other way, but that hasn't been a large factor in her relatively recent decisions, so plausibility there would heavily depend on the specific reasoning given.


It's not 3 weeks it's one too 2 days so that people get to speulate first (see author note on top of chapter)


good chappie

Guilherme Paschoaletto

Mana and Regen also have loss to each other? I thought it was only the physical stats and power/control... And the physical stats using mana regen...


I agree she should avoid classes that don't give her physical stats, especially strength. I am leaning towards Arbiter, especially when she mentions the ability to turn off regeneration for her enemies. If she's attacked by a regenerator in the future, that is the type of skill she'd need to survive, and she isn't sacrificing too much to take the class. Speed of leveling isn't too important of a factor when you're immortal, anyway.

Guilherme Paschoaletto

She doesn't even need to wait to 1024. The Librarian explained that it just wasn't offered during her Loremaster class change because she hadn't met all prerequisites. It would probably show up during B.Mystic 768, which isn't that far... Although if she takes The Elaine it could be faster to reach 1024 anyways, but then she could go all in to godhood.

Ervin Ughy

From a story perspective I fell like Arbiter has the most potential. It is the jack of all trades upgrade-wise, with the highest mana regen which would allow her to use those skills more often. Plus curse breaking adds some extra spice. That healing denial aspect would give her something new to philosophize over. A nice useful dark temptation. Also, what if there is a bodyguard-esque skill that siphons life from the bodyguards instead of redirecting damage. There could be cases she would prefer to use it. The armor skill would give her a "health bar". Right now she has none. She's always full unless she gets instantly annihilated. The armor however could tank some insta kill spells, which would force her to change tactics. I suspect that the higher level fights would involve a lot of those. The Dawn Has Arrived skill sounds really useful with some great epic moment potential. And besides, this is the logical option for a Sentinel. Her stay in Han might've tempered her enthusiasm for the job, but unless she wants to quit, this would be the most optimal choice.


I would say that [The First Oathbound Healer] is better during peacetime and [The Arbiter of Life and Death] is better during life endangering situations. There is no point taking [The First Oathbound Healer] just to die during the next immortal war, but if [The First Oathbound Healer] gets her levels faster and makes her stronger by the time immortal war comes around it may be better


I love [The Elaine]. It’s simple, straightforward, covers her strength deficiency, and it gives her the most towards what is keeping her back from healing everyone. The ability that people she can’t see, the people who are hidden from sight, can still be saved.

Joshua Little

Savior all the way. It is the clear choice for becoming a powerful planar healer with the stats she wants. Combines healing, planar travel and otherworldly knowledge, the things that have always shown through for her classes. Arbiter is the clear upgrade to Dawn but that is it so good second choice. Divine and Angel are out as Elaine has always skipped on divinities. The Elaine is good but just herself not growing into something new. Oath is out as the Oath is a choice she follows but not her everything. Thanks for the chapter.


Just a comment: Saintess is not a necessary distinction, as the word Saint applies to both men and women. Saint also sounds better, so rule of cool.


I doubt it will be the choice but the Stygian Auri class where Elaine wanders the world bringing back life after an immortal war would fit so well. [The wanderer] is in her blood and she earned it for her third class even if she didn’t take it.


Agreed. Arbiter and Healer seem like the best fits overall, plus they both give physical stats as well, which is pretty important.


I completely agree, Elaine is more than just a healer. And as a bonus, [Arbiter] seems to be about passing judgement, which would tie rather nicely into my 'Elaine will become a Guardian of Pallos' theory.


I don't recall about power/control, but Mana and Regen definitely do not have any loss to each other.


Interesting that you would bring that up. Remember Lun'Kat and her dragoneye illusions on the moons? She's been sitting at max level for dozens of millenia without being able to claim the moons as her domain, because Lunaris and Selene got there first. Taking any other domain would probably be unthinkable for her at this point, since she likely considers them her personal property. Now recently, a moon cult has sprung up that offers silly amounts of money to anyone willing to join. Who would be both rich enough to fund it and have ample motivation to supplant the moon goddesses? As for the Healing domain, while Elaine might theoretically be able to yoink the domain for herself, something tells me that Ciriel would be more than happy to share it in a twin goddesses arrangement. But who wants to live with their biggest fangirl?


It's only for Strength/Dexterity and Power/Control, where every 8 stat points lower the opposite stat by one. The other two pairs do not have the same mechanic.


Although we know all the reasons Iona has against Immortals, it doesn't sound like she has yet considered the question of what she could potentially do to curb their bad behavior, which in and of itself would certainly also require becoming an immortal


But the Saintess doesn’t fit her current role and way of doing things…. She has never relied on, or even paid too much attention to the gods. Why should she start now? I’m sure that calling in miracles is cool and all, but when has Elaine ever been one to fall back onto a god or goddess to heal someone? She also losses a tremendous number of stats by going with the blue option over the black ones. I think that her view is a little tilted towards it atm because she just got off campaign and wants a bit of a vacation, but I can’t really see her being at home in a temple like Iona is.


None of the options jumped out and grabbed her, though she embodies all of them, and I think she had the most favorable leaning towards The Elaine when she thought “when -if- I took the class”. I think that might be a nod towards what she is leaning to… In her past class advances, she’s turned down the more “pure” healing classes for ones that aid her in utility and combat at the same time, so I don’t think Savior or Oathbound will be chosen for that reason….


I’m pretty sure that the only one in the lineup that isn’t exactly “who she is” is Saintess. I like Arbiter too, but The Elaine is literally her name…


I'd say that Arbiter is the best class for what she is doing as a War Sentinel. Better physical stats, an armor skill and massive mana regeneration. I've done some calculations and 9,000 Mana Regeneration per level times 256 levels comes out to 2,304,000. Let's say she gets [Nectar] to level 600 for a +300% bonus and that's 9,216,000 Mana Regeneration, which translates to 92,160,000 mana per hour, or 1,536,000 per minute, or 25,600 per second. That's insane.


Arbiter is a great upgrade for Dawn Sentinel, but I think the synergy that The Elaine has with her other two classes gives it more of an edge overall. The high leveling speed also means that she'll get to her 1024 class-up faster and will have even better options at that point, presumably including an even more impressive sentinel-type class.


She would lose a class skill slot. At the same time, she would probably never hope to have her mana and regen catch up to her control and power when healing. If she took Oathbound, she would gain an additional like 2300% power and control while healing (moving from 5% to 8% boost per level) before Sentinel Superiority added to the pile with only a 50% cost reduction….. I don’t think she is currently hurting for power or control with both over like 7 million, what she needs is the mana and regen to keep up with that expenditure. The additional mana and regen will also assist in combat situations like with the great general guy…


I guess the question for me is how interesting Angel of Mercy would be, and how it would affect her stats. We understand the hard numbers of classes, but Angel is this big unknown that could be way more interesting. Personally I want her to become an angel for the moon goddesses, I feel like one of her goals has always been to keep her loved ones and this way she would get to keep Iona forever.


Is it just me or was anybody expecting one where it just fit not a bunch where some have downsides or don't fit.

Wahnderer (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-25 06:17:53 What I would pick for myself is the Dragon-Phoenix one. Not for Elaine, however.
2023-11-25 06:10:54 What I would pick for myself is the Dragon-Phoenix one. Not for Elaine, however. Savior From the Stars just seems so cool. Kind of worried over the lack of any physical stats, though, particularly Strength. Then again, maybe she could get some when she ends up upgrading Butterly Mystic. Although I feel like that one will likely end up upgrading to a more wizardry-focused class, which... probably wouldn't have much in the way of physical stats. The Arbiter has a bunch of useful stuff in it, and the stats are good, too, but it doesn't feel 'right'. The Elaine is the best one overall, in my opinion. No real downsides to speak of, and it has the aspect of growing fast. It's a simple choice that you can't go wrong with, even if it lacks some of the more exciting aspects of the other choices. But then again, it has something exciting in the simple fact of being THE healer.

What I would pick for myself is the Dragon-Phoenix one. Not for Elaine, however. Savior From the Stars just seems so cool. Kind of worried over the lack of any physical stats, though, particularly Strength. Then again, maybe she could get some when she ends up upgrading Butterly Mystic. Although I feel like that one will likely end up upgrading to a more wizardry-focused class, which... probably wouldn't have much in the way of physical stats. The Arbiter has a bunch of useful stuff in it, and the stats are good, too, but it doesn't feel 'right'. The Elaine is the best one overall, in my opinion. No real downsides to speak of, and it has the aspect of growing fast. It's a simple choice that you can't go wrong with, even if it lacks some of the more exciting aspects of the other choices. But then again, it has something exciting in the simple fact of being THE healer.


[Angel of Mercy] & [Saintess of the Dawn] are both cool ideas that don't fit Elaine. She has so consistently neglected god/goddess interactions before arriving in the modern day that, frankly, it wouldn't make sense for her. She's really only talked to 3 of them and Papilion was only for that short period before rebirth. [The Elaine] is who she is, a consequence of her forethought and chosen actions and her wanting everyone to have access to their best life. She also clearly likes being famous and recognised, strong points here. She said it herself though, it "didn’t make my heart beat wildly with anticipation. " [The First Oathbound Healer] and [Savior From The Stars] hit a similar theme as The Elaine without that simple declaration of her. They might be stronger in terms of the skills declared, Oath jumping from 5% to 8% would be crazy strong, but weaker in both leveling and direct relation. More of the job than the person in terms of her healing history. [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix] is very cool and honestly the outlier here. Lots of recognition for what she has done but also ties back to Lun'Kat a little too much for comfort. [The Arbiter of Life and Death] This is her job as a War Sentinel and makes sense. As Ervin said, the philosophy to deny healing would require some heavy introspection and make for interesting reading. Particularly after what Nina just did. It's one of the things about Selkie's writing I like, there's no clear best option as they all have specific paths to greatness and the weakness that comes with walking only one path. That said, I'm hoping between The Elaine and The Arbiter.


oooh, these are some serious choices here... im not sure how best to play this out. The Angel would be good if she goes with Selene and Lunaris, the character dynamics, interactions and goals can definitely provide some great story. Aion sounds like Elaine would have to leave Pallos behind, and there is now way she is ready for that, Ciriel would be flexible, but the interactions would probably become bland fast. but the Angel also sounds like a dead end, that she wont be able to grow into more, so im iffy on it. At the very least, i think if she does go this route, it should be at the next class up, after some time discussing with family. The Stygian is great, but i dont think Elaine would make full use of it, and I think the Saintess would eventually leave her feeling couped up. The OathBound is great, but i think it'll force her into more oath classes that will affect emotions and such. So these are all out. The Elaine sounds like it'll blend with her other classes well, possibly allowing here to start treading a slightly different path towards a different divine domain instead of healing now that it's already taken. The Arbiter would be a great class that takes what she does and pushes it further, it would provide another means to subtly push Elaine into one situation or another. Savior is the best class for simply laying a foundation that can be used to propel Elaine further. To be the start of a new Era in her story. Im torn between the Arbiter and Savior, and am really excited to see what happens here.

Wizard Tim

Tbh, I think Elaine's best choices are The Elaine and the Arbiter. If she plans on being a War Sentinel going forward, those are her best options.


In the poll you mentioned pre nerf Oathbound Healer. Kinda interested kn how that looked XD. The classes look really interesting, personally I'd expect The Elaine, Oathbound or the Arbiter. Though Rainbow Phoenix is an interesting choice as well with what it implies in regards to Fenrir...


The problem is that it's a big unknown. The only information she has on it is the sparse details provided by the handwritten letters delivered by the various deities. No info on stats or leveling or exact skills or any sort of progression opportunities.


My view on lunkat has always been that two elements are missing for her to achieve godhood. Desire and fame. Yes people call them the dragon eye moons but they don’t call them lunkats eyes. People pray to the moons not the illusion. saying dragons names is warned against and at least in some places not done at all. For many the eyes are going to be generic dragon not lunkat. So the impact in terms of gaining belief/prayers is going to be stunted. As to desire, I think lunkat has everything she wants being a dragon right now. She can fight the guardians head on and basically kill anyone she wants. She takes angels hostage for decoration. As a goddess her power would actually be more constrained, needing prayers and faith stores in order to enact physical intervention (miracles) on the world. We also don’t know the dynamics of god warfare. Ascending may actually make her weaker initially in a fight against goddesses and gods she has previously angered. If she wanted it I think she would be out there flying around recruiting people to spread her name as the eyes of the moon. I had forgotten about a moon cult and maybe that is her attempt to do this or maybe she is doing it to punish the goddesses for yanking the moons out of place during Ionas fight at the gauntlet. I could well be wrong but my basic take is she stays maxed because she wants to. The illusion is a giant finger up at the goddesses and gods to prove her power.


I think Angel of Mercy is awesome, but I have a feeling Elaine will go with the straight upgrade class. After all, like she said, she built that class custom for herself to be what she wanted. Every awesome skill the others classes have mean she has to drop one of her current skills, and I don't think she wants to do that. Maybe if she could combine some of them to make room for additional skills, but everything she currently has is so ridiculously useful, how could she give any of them up?


The Elaine seems like the way to go to me. From the graph, the only option that competes with it is Savior from the Stars (although the graph doesn't take into account any new skills she might gain). From a character perspective, The Elaine is literally her. It's not just "The Healer," The system could have specified if it was using Original Creation, when the word for healer wasn't her name. Practically everything she does would be in compliance with what the class wants to do. I could also see her going for a few other options, but none of them fit her as well as The Elaine does. The Arbiter of Life and Death seems a bit too focused on her job and not herself. Savior From the Stars focuses on an aspect of Elaine that hasn't been too relevant for a while. The First Oathbound Healer seems like a more narrow and slightly worse version of The Elaine.


Given that the guide says that Angel is not a class, there is the possibility that she will simply have no stats at all. Rather, all her abilities will be driven by the divinity channeled through her, meaning that her abilities are more conceptual than system-ish.


Hard pass from me. ‘Stuck’ as a snapshot of who you are now and unable to grow in new ways? All about your own fame…center of your universe…it’s like the Karen of all Karens. Need to talk to the manager.


I love the idea of The Elaine, but picking it could mean she's stagnating as a person, and it's a bit too early for that. Therefore I think the best choice is Arbiter. It is an extension of what she has done, a natural next step. The other options... are too limited scope. Hey first class has been a hybrid one for so long, not just pure healing, and many options would give that up.


[The Elaine] sounds like a Karen. “Do you know who I am?!” Worst option next to potentially hamstringing herself with [Angel of Mercy]. [The First Oathbound Healer] seems in a similar Karen vein, but slightly better, slightly less about fame. [Saintess of the Dawn] has potential with being able to call on miracles without having to bind herself to a single deity, but ultimately she doesn’t really have any rigorous religious beliefs/followings. [Healer of the Stygian Dragon, Rainbow Phoenix] would help her with her desire to heal everything, but ultimately she’s focused on intelligent/sapient beings, and this broadens well past that, though it would still include it all. So possibly a solid choice. [Savior from the Stars] does most of what she currently does. With less emphasis on fighting. [Arbiter of Life and Death] is the only real choice besides Savior in my opinion. Upgraded class of what she custom made for herself. Updated with the things she has done and seen since making it. Gives avenues for plot/story/character advancement, and continues to pave the way to her own special place of Divinity. As White Dove, Black Crow are not gods themselves. More, god adjacent. She kills and saves, she doesn’t only save. She is the grey in the middle, neither black or white. Not perfect in any way.

Tiffany Miller

It is but final arbiter is an upgrade to the class she built from thr ground up. I feel it fits her better. It kills her to make the hard choices but she always does it anyway because it's who she is

Shane T.

I won’t beat a dead horse about what would probably suit her personality or character growth the best. I agree with most of you on that regard. Instead I think a fun idea would be to give the Saintess class some real thought story wise. She’s been presented with new, possibly big problem with Aions letter that sooner or later she’ll likely explore. This class offers her the best chance at gaining insight about it ahead of time by having the gods on speed dial. iirc the gods have never directly answered her before, with the one exception being Iona’s presence as a paladin let her trade a few words with the moon goddesses. Hell it took priest Deimos (i think that’s his name?) two weeks of nonstop praying just to get a lesser god to act when humanity’s future was at stake, granted it was right in time to deal with the queens but point remains. Plus Night, Arachne, or any other immortal aren’t guaranteed to know anything, and no other god mentioned it besides Aion (I get the feeling Papilion knows too but is too much of a troll). The Angel of Mercy is a big leap of faith like everyone’s said, but she’s chosen a class that would best fit the problems in front of her before (biomancer) that remains closely in line with what she wants to see herself doing which i think it can be argued the Saintess fills. Especially just coming out of a war and Aions letter. True she hasn’t been one to rely on the divine, or really anywhere near faithful besides the idle or half hearted prayer. I think if she chose it, she would use it pragmatically, like mrs white robe whose name I can’t remember. The class lets her continue doing what she wants to do, Sentinal duties included, while also blowing up Aion’s divine phone, spamming heavenly emails for info, and trading mana for miracles and favors with and the other gods. Even if she gets less exp in the situations she normally finds herself in and isn’t the best in stats, she does have plenty of history trading power for what best fits the times too (mystic butterfly for example). Also the gap between 768 and 1024 isn’t that large or insurmountable especially for an immortal, and like she’s said, she’s in no rush. Most of the offered classes do much of the same things just in varied ways and they’ll likely be there in some shape next class up. Each class offers interesting bridges to cross story wise and perhaps pursing this particular problem is premature but it is a really interesting one. Again just a fun one to think about. I don’t think it’s likely to happen but thought I’d throw it out there.

David Oldfield

I just want to point out that most of this series circles back to exploration of new places and people's. It would be a waste to plan a retirement to a peaceful village, and in that sense, rapid growth seems necessary. Flitting between the gods might be fun, and visiting guardians, playing with dragons and even tea with white dove. Perhaps even seeing other worlds, or an industrial period of this one. Whatever she chooses, will have to offer great growth above all things, and enable her to solve problems that simply healing cannot.


That is a really interesting consideration. What you will use the classes for. But you should be able to do something simular by simply asking Priests. If there is a major threat that mortals in any way could help with, then there should be information trickling down to the mortals that can help. So if Elaine where worried she would either take the angel for direct support or something with as much power as possible to be able to help better in the future.


Can't see Elaine going for the more religious classes. The Arbiter seems like the best choice for now with The Elaine and The First Oathbound Healer coming second to that. Good chapters


Hmmm... I think it's very firmly too early to take Saintess. I think she needs more relevant experience with the divine before this becomes a good pick at a later milestone. It's very telling that Elaine just had two different gods basically admit to her that she directly inspired and indirectly assisted their paths and that they're basically huge fans (and she also had other major gods declaring their respect for her), and she STILL didn't get a black class about it. The Elaine is the safe choice. She's more or less assured progress, and it's still relevant to what she's been doing. It doesn't seem like it would be a driving force for anything though. It's too much the same as always. Picking this would be resting on her laurels which has always been something she has avoided in class-ups. Dragon/Phoenix is something which has repeatedly come up in some form. It seems like something central to Elaine's ideals and like something she genuinely wants. I think it's the correct option for her. It seems to fit in a way that the others cannot. It isn't about pragmatism or logic or past trauma. It lacks power, and makes up for it in ways for which Elaine has not frequently found practical uses. It's not about what would be useful in her present circumstances, or what she expects to encounter in the near future, or anything like that. It's just about who she is and what would make her happy. Sure, she has some specific experiences that enable this to get such a high quality, but the idea has been hovering around since long before that. The fact that this keeps showing up and Elaine keeps wanting to entertain the idea despite its dubious practical value strikes me as being significant to her character. It shouldn't be ignored. The Arbiter is doubling down on Elaine's recent experiences... which if I was interpreting it correctly, she hated. It's a commitment to keep doing something which really seems unhealthy for her in both the short and long term. I don't like it. In terms of power and practicality, seems firmly mediocre next to other options. How much would an armor skill even help against the kinds of attacks she tends to weather? Savior is tied most strongly to Elaine's origins, but this seems a little bit superficial. There's a certain way that most of the other offered classes are related to specific actions, and to particular ways that she tends to think. Savior seems to be about representing ideals. Practically speaking, it is powerful. It offers everything she needs to continue on her current path without compromising. Arguably resting on her laurels, but I believe it would be more like a re-affirmation of her intent. If Elaine won't commit to Dragon/Phoenix, she should pick this. Oathbound seems like it's kind of the same as The Elaine, with mostly a different stat spread plus the oath integration and upgrade. Heaviest focus on mitigating her current mana limitations, lacking in skill upgrades. Though it doesn't come with the same restrictions as the previous oathbound offering, focusing on the oath itself above all else still seems like losing sight of its purpose. Elaine's oath has always been a tool she uses to help her master herself. She has the oath because she believes the words, not the other way around. I'm not sure if that really makes sense. I think this is a mediocre choice among this selection. Radical option: Dragon/Phoenix Not really conservative, but less radical option: Savior


I think Arbiter is a terrible choice for her. In terms of practicality, it has a good stat spread but limited skill upgrades. In terms of ideals, it seems like giving up. Elaine classed up to [The Dawn Sentinel] in the wake of the Formorian war, and those experiences surely colored her options in some way. Now she's upgrading that same class again in the wake of the Han Civil War, and it makes some sense that the natural evolution of that would bring that discomfort to the forefront. But she clearly hated it. It wasn't healthy for her. She's practically always fighting not to have to choose.


Also I didn't even talk about Angel of Mercy because it's an introduction of an idea, not a real option. There's basically no way Elaine goes through with that in my mind. There are too many unknowns about the circumstances of it, and she seems far from ready to commit to any particular god even if she was actually inclined to choose it.


Hated it? She likes being a sentinel. She likes helping others. Other than the wars, she has enjoyed herself for the most part. Even during the war there were parts she enjoyed. She is fighting all the time because she is trying hard to save others. She has saved countless people when she has fought. When she doesn’t fight she generally only saves a few. Most of the people she heals aren’t in danger of dying then. But she definitely helps their quality of life.


@Samantha the Papilion letter was a last minute joke - the God/dess of change going "nevermind, changed my mind"


Besides just 'numbers go up' it's an introspective look at who she is, and who she wants to be. Also, BTDEM has actual choices, vs: Warrior Archer Worker Supreme Overlord of the Galaxy

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

Google Drive version of the chapter is in the trash — again. With all problems it entails. Though, at least it didn't end up with all the text colored red. Fork! You have a lot of trolls as early readers/commentors/editors.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

"Conflict is at the heart of the Nemesis, from conflicts of the body, to conflicts of the mind and soul. +1313 Free Stats per level." Would be more meme worthy with "+1337 Free Stats per level."

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

"They see the intrinsic value in all life." I do know parasites and <strike>-fungi-</strike> mold. Not all life is worth preserving. Some are better destroyed. Like Humans. World would be so much better without them (yes, I include myself) Edit: It's the chapter for my birthday, I'm allowed to say such things.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

I can't see the Arbiter for her. Too much death for her character. The Savior seems a better fit. I agree with The Elaine, though.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

Angel of Mercy is definitely made to be awesome. But it is also the end of the road. If she takes that, she would stop growing and the door to becoming a goddess closes. And given the fife goddess mentioned a war in the god realm, I bet my left nut that not only will Elaine reach divinity, but the book won't end there.

MrMegaPussyPlayer .

When she nerfed that class, then it is clear Elaine won't end up with that class. Simply because it seems it got nerfed to quell the questions why Elaine didn't that, as it is the better class. And as she is at it's origin, it is, per definition, a good fit.