December Christmas Announcements! (Patreon)
Hey all!
Admin week means I'm getting admin stuff done!
Okay, first!
Merry Christmas one and all! For a limited time (Basically, from now until when I remember to close it again), the Grandfathered Iona Tier is open again! As is tradition.
Current Elaine supporters - you can sidegrade now, pay the exact same amount, but get the spicy Iona-tier content goodies on top of the normal chapters! I commission and post 1-2 of these per month, with the occasional written chapter.
Current Iona-tier supporters - pay $5/less per month and get all the same benefits! It just makes sense.
That's part 1 of the Christmas presents!
Part 2!
I finally got paperbacks for 9, 10, and 11 done!
Do note that my former formatter retired, so some of the formatting is going to be a hair different. Also, I got better at it.
Also, my turnaround on 11 is pretty tight, so there are a hair more typos than usual present in the book. I'm furiously editing and trying to fix them as I find them, but nothing's perfect.
Book 11 is $25 instead of $20 because Amazon literally wanted to pay me $0 royalty for selling book 11 at that price. It's GIGANTIC. ~816 pages.
I'll be doing a pass on book 8 as well - I suspect Amazon might've adjusted those royalties waaaaay down. I want to get the books to you as cheaply as possible, but I have many words about Amazon's "royalty" model on paperbacks. (Basically - they split the money, then charge me 100% of the printing costs out of my cut. Amazon gets the full % of the split and gets paid for printing the book. A $20 book can easily be $19 Amazon, $1 me. I'ma stop ranting now...)
Lastly - I want to wish all of you a safe and happy Christmas this year, and if you celebrate something else, I wish you the best of holidays. May you have all the mangos you can eat!