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Hey all!

Admin week means I'm getting admin stuff done!

Okay, first!

Merry Christmas one and all! For a limited time (Basically, from now until when I remember to close it again), the Grandfathered Iona Tier is open again! As is tradition.

Current Elaine supporters - you can sidegrade now, pay the exact same amount, but get the spicy Iona-tier content goodies on top of the normal chapters! I commission and post 1-2 of these per month, with the occasional written chapter.

Current Iona-tier supporters - pay $5/less per month and get all the same benefits! It just makes sense.

That's part 1 of the Christmas presents!

Part 2!
I finally got paperbacks for 9, 10, and 11 done!

Do note that my former formatter retired, so some of the formatting is going to be a hair different. Also, I got better at it.

Also, my turnaround on 11 is pretty tight, so there are a hair more typos than usual present in the book. I'm furiously editing and trying to fix them as I find them, but nothing's perfect.

Book 11 is $25 instead of $20 because Amazon literally wanted to pay me $0 royalty for selling book 11 at that price. It's GIGANTIC. ~816 pages.

I'll be doing a pass on book 8 as well - I suspect Amazon might've adjusted those royalties waaaaay down. I want to get the books to you as cheaply as possible, but I have many words about Amazon's "royalty" model on paperbacks. (Basically - they split the money, then charge me 100% of the printing costs out of my cut. Amazon gets the full % of the split and gets paid for printing the book. A $20 book can easily be $19 Amazon, $1 me. I'ma stop ranting now...)

9! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPSLYFMB

10! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPSHB6ZK

11! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CPTGPLFY

Lastly - I want to wish all of you a safe and happy Christmas this year, and if you celebrate something else, I wish you the best of holidays. May you have all the mangos you can eat!





First !




Nothing gained, yet I stand there enjoying my conquest while you will all see me as the bottom feeder. Nevertheless I’ll stay strong with my head held high


Also, as per amazon, Audiobook of book 10 will be released on 9th January.


Is there really no viable alternative to amazon, if they take such a bug cut? If you were to bring your new books to a different site, I'd imagine that the readers who are 4 thousand pages into this story will follow regardless if it is a site they are comfortable with


I am happy enough with my grandfathered Elaine Tier

Michael Maor

There are a bunch of alternatives to Amazon, however given their size you'll generally get more from them than all the other alternatives together...

Michael Maor

I've been wondering what exactly are the benefits of Iona tier? Specifically, are there any stories that are exclusive to the Iona tier? Because while the art is nice, I wouldn't pay anything for more pictures.

Pocket Rikimaru Thanatos

You should charge much more for your paperback books since they cost money to print, of course Amazon would take such a cut, 800 pages is like 50 bucks or something minimum to start being considered vaguely pricey or whatever. Pillars of the Earth is similar size to your books and is way more than 20 bucks lol


Happy Holidays and thanks for such a great story.

Daniel Sifrit

Amazon's cut isn't really that bad - its just that POD and postage is expensive. Third party print runs are far cheaper, but you can get stuck with a lot of dead copies if they don't sell. Most authors only do paper copies for their fans who still collect them. Me? I boxed all my paper books up and put them in storage. I started eBooks long before they were "cool" - one of my earlier readers was a Palm Pilot. There are definitely some books I would re-read that are stuck in paper and may well never be released as ebooks. (or becuase they were "Big Pub" they want $12 for an ebook that was printed 25 years ago) Amazon's model lets marginal book categories be just profitable enough that authors can afford to write them. They pay FAR more than traditional publishing, for sure.


Talking about the target for those books, maybe Selkie should contact public libraries to try and promote his work? Would it make him sell more physical copies?


Physical just isn’t where I make money. I’d much rather donate copies to a library


There are some lewd chapters (3 or 4) but they’re pure Iona tier content. No true side stories


How do you tell what tier you are? The app just shows I'm a member and I can click join on every tier


Okay. Thanks for the reply. Awesome story! You and turtleme are my two fav indie authors

Kai Elanzo

Merry Christmas to you as well, Selkie.

Isaac Dansicker

I'm a grandfathered Elaine, but I was going to go annual and go current. Maybe I'll do the legacy paladin tier instead?


Wait, are you doing the editing personally? Have you not hired a proper editor yet?