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I always loved it when artists, filmmakers, game developers and so on, show and tell of some of their production challenges

And what better way of introducing others to my craft than making a short little render breakdown every now and then

It all started with finding a decent Alfira model:

(an example of a pretty whack model I originally thought I had to work with)


But thanks to my commissioner's generosity as well as BlueLightSFM's 3D skills, I was given a much better one:


And here's a screenshot of my early pose blockout, before polishing and sculpting:


Then I sculpted the titty squish. For some reason I was really proud of the heavy, saggy one:


Then it was time to look for a scene and I landed on this one from The Witcher 3. I modified it quite extensively and hopefully it ended up looking more like an environment from the city of Bladur's Gate:


After that I disabled all lights and started spawning my own. This early lighting image contained only 1 sun lamp. It had a completely different vibe:


I eventually replaced the curtains and the materials with something more translucent and bright. This is a wip of me playing around with various colors and transparency settings:

Uhh I don't remember what happened here:

Finally it was time to render the image and further process it in Photoshop. In the end, my scene contained 21 lights:


I hope you enjoyed this really quick breakdown. I tried to make it entertaining and not bore anyone with any unnecessary technical details

It took me around 7 days from start to finish to make that 1 render. Please let me know if you'd like to see more of these. I don't mind doing them as I already have all the necessary wips and images. All I'd have to do is drag and drop them onto Patreon

Maybe one day I will fondly look back on these and thank you all for believing in me all those years ago



Nice render, Alifra is a charming character too. Happy to see her in a so good quality work. Keep going !