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In One Punch Man 1x5, The Ultimate Master, the Hunter Exam never ends but it does seem like they're getting shorter. Saitama fails the "protagonist has a big appetite" exam.




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James Guerrero

Alex going on an almost 3 minute rant only 15 seconds into the episode lol that's why I'm subscribed to you.

Douglas Davis

He punched to the side of genos' s head. I think you deserve more subs too but, the average person doesn't want deep philosophical commentary. They want a hot chick saying "that's cute" or normies just nodding yes to current thing. I have two coworkers that I talk about anime with and they literally say dialogue and plot are lame and just want to watch the fights, so take the low sub count as a badge of honor.

Arvind Chander

Not sure if you noticed. Saitama was the one who saved the grandchild of the person who created the hero association. It was the big chinned kid he saved 3 years ago😂

Jacob Cannon

"does that shirt say titties? amazingly i have a story for that" never change bro

Anya Mcghee

We all have a special place in our hearts reserved for Erwin Smith. It’s right next to the one reserved for Mumen Rider

Arvind Chander

Not exactly. If you see the picture of Agoni, he has a big chin. Then you can kind of put two and two together.

Wolfy Fiorini

I don't know why it only occurred to me now, but I think it's pretty interesting. Mob Psycho and OPM were made by the same guy and both revolve around a massively overpowered protagonist who have trouble feeling strong emotion, yet feel unfulfilled despite their abilities. The premises are so similar yet both shows tackle it from a different angle and they feel very unique. It impresses me that he managed to make not one but TWO banger shows about it. It also makes me wonder why that specific idea resonates so strongly with the author! (or if he just decided to use the One Punch Man premise for Mob Psycho because OPM became so popular or something)


Not sure how deliberate it is but one thing is it gets the "power up as a metaphor for growth" thing out of the way, cause there's not really anywhere that can go, and that allows for action and shounen goodness while focusing on other elements of life, perhaps more directly to some of the underlying questions.

Wolfy Fiorini

I also get the feeling whenever I watch either show that they're an exploration on the emptiness of achieved status, i guess you could call it. I'm certain you've talked about this before but so many people covet power, or money, or fame, and yet the people who have the most of those attributes often end up being some of the biggest messes. Train wreck celebs, self destructive billionaires, etc. People are complex and multifaceted, and there is no "one thing" that will complete you as a person.

Wolfy Fiorini

It also reminds me of something you've said before that resonated with me - something along the lines of "I'll never be an NBA superstar, and I couldn't care less, but then there are other things that I can't do that haunt me". OPM and Mob's problems are like the reverse of that. They *are* NBA superstars, and they couldn't care less, yet Saitama doesn't have a fan club and Mob isn't swole and they can't live with themselves.


Mumen Rider didn't want to move from C to B not because he wanted to be top of anything, but because they attributed the defeat of the bald guys' gang from last episode to him, and he is too honest to take credit for something he didn't do. I am pretty confident I got that one right.


I don't know the full story behind why this first season has some of the best animation I've ever seen, but I remember it being one of the biggest talking points when this show came out. It's nice to go back and appreciate the more nuanced side One Punch Man.

Douglas Davis

Are you going to start taking estrogen or are you going to pull a Sam Jackson and work one like a puppet?

Lyra Paradox

What you said reminds me of how sometimes I will want to start something (whether it be a business venture or a personal passion project), but because I only see the top percentage of other people doing said thing, a lot of the times I wont go forward with it or I’ll do it partly and then stop after I felt like I hadn’t made enough progress, even though there is probably a lot of room in the middle for success, (like you were saying.) 😅Man I love watching your reactions, because they get me to reflect on my own life experiences a lot.


Is that really a spoiler tho? I looked at the picture of the of the hero association creator in the shot and immediately put to-and-to together


The answer to that is it’s simply made by mad house studios.

Josh Bowers

Mumen Rider has always been my favorite character. He's just so wholesome and his personality makes you realized he just has his life in order. I didn't realize it till you said it, but her really is just Deku without One for All.

Josh Bowers

Man, it actually really hit home when you started talking about loneliness at the end there. I'd never thought about it much, but I recently went to a wedding reception and realized just how lonely I was looking at all the couples. I only ever had one girlfriend, and I am also an only child. I feel great pride in praise (especially public praise) and being the center of attention, even though I'm a big introvert, something that always struck me as strange. And thinking about it now, the times I don't feel lonely are those in which I am engaged in a one-on-one interaction with a friend. I always put me need for attention down to arrogance or an immature feeling that I'm the center of the world, but your comments make me wonder if my need for attention is simply a product of being lonely. In reality, it's probably all of the above, but it's a new perspective on myself. This is why I watch


Wow it hadn't occurred to me that Mob's first plan of attack at becoming someone is the exercise club and being fit, which Saitama is done with


It's really hard to know in the moment too in my experience. It looks clearer in hindsight. Looking back to 2023 I can't really say what I was focusing on... I spent a lot of time doing very ungratifying things that feel empty upon reflection. But yeah, I think I was just some combination of being lonely and not excited enough about anything on the horizon.